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发布时间:2022-03-10 14:45:56

人怕不动,脑怕不用。——谚语 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英语句子对健康有益的活动(运动的好处英语短语) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如

| 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。——泰戈尔

| 人怕不动,脑怕不用。——谚语

| Team-work is essential to a football match.足球比赛最重要的是团队合作。12. My victory owes to my coach's patient instructions and the support from my family and friends.我的胜利应归功于教练耐心的指导以及家人和朋友的支持。

| 运动的作用可以代替药物,但所有的药物都不能替代运动。——蒂素

| 动则不衰,用则不退。生命在于运动。

| 仙丹妙药灵芝草,不如天天练长跑。

| 生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。——列夫·托尔斯泰

| 早起活活腰,一天精神好。——谚语

| 生命需要运动。——亚里斯多德

| 身体健康者常年轻。——马尔夫特

| 运动是一切生命的源泉。——达·芬奇

| 人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。——帕斯卡

| 日复一日地坚持练下去吧,只有活动适量才能保持训练的热情和提高运动的技能。

| 如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!——古希腊

| 运动是一切生命的源泉。——达·芬奇

| Mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair play.相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争。6. The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world.奥林匹克运动会有助于实现一个更美好、更安宁的世界。

| 生命在于矛盾,在于运动,一旦矛盾消除,运动停止,生命也就结束了。——歌德

| 缓慢而有恒赢得竞赛。——莱特

| 夏游泳,冬长跑,一年四季广播操。

| 不靠医,不靠药,天天锻炼最见效。——谚语

| 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可以产生、增进、保持体力和健康。——亚里士多德

| 只有运动才可以除去各种各样的疑虑。——歌德

| 静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。


| We should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking 我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力、锻炼思辨性思维。

| The army is a place where people can build their character 部队是一个锻炼意志的大熔炉。

| He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter 他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。

| Thanks to his persistent physical exercise, he looks healthy, with white hair and a ruddy complexion 由于长期坚持体育锻炼,他看起来鹤发童颜。

| He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter 他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。

| Doing sit-ups is an effective way to exercise abdominal muscles 仰卧起坐是锻炼腹部肌肉的有效办法。

| Doing sit-ups is an effective way to exercise abdominal muscles 仰卧起坐是锻炼腹部肌肉的有效办法。

| Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动

| He goes for a long-distance run every day at a specific time 他每天都定时进行长跑锻炼。

| To keep on, day after day practice go down, and only activities to keep the enthusiasm of adequate training and improve motor skills.

| My grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day 我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。

| My grandfather exercises with his healthcare balls every day 我爷爷每天都拿着保健球锻炼。

| She was very busy at work, but she managed to stick to her exercise regime 工作很忙,但是她还坚持锻炼。

| The health of the body for motionless and destruction, for sports practice and keep for a long time. --Socrates

| Elderly people are worn with age, so it is even more important for them to take part in exercise 老年人年老体衰更应该参加一些适当的体育锻炼。

| Regular physical exercises can strengthen one’s resistance against illness 经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。

| We should take exercise to build up resistance to disease 我们应该坚持锻炼以增强对疾病的抵抗力。

| She fixed the exercise time for Saturday afternoons 她把锻炼的时间固定在星期六下午。

| In morning, there are a lot of old men doing exercise in the park 早上在公园锻炼的老头儿特别的多。

| The child has a weak constitution and is struck ill from time to time Lack of exercise is part of the reason 这孩子从小就体弱多病,这都是缺乏体育锻炼造成的。

| She fixed the exercise time for Saturday afternoons 她把锻炼的时间固定在星期六下午。

| No matter how cold it gets, we must all stick to our exercise routine 不管天气多么寒冷,我们都要坚持锻炼。

| The sportsmen are exercising to improve the strength of the muscles on their legs 运动员们正在锻炼,以便加强腿部肌肉的力量。

| The sportsmen are exercising to improve the strength of the muscles on their legs 运动员们正在锻炼,以便加强腿部肌肉的力量。

| You should exercise more, you’ve already out of breath after completing such a small task 你应该多锻炼锻炼了,才干了这么点力气活就抽气得不行。

| People's sound, not only by foods, especially to rely on motion.

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