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发布时间:2022-03-07 16:57:28

汇集四海的祝福水,在泼水节这一天泼出幸福美好的明天。 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的描写泼水节的句子英语(泼水节英文表达) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如泼水节西双版纳


| 汇集四海的祝福水,在泼水节这一天泼出幸福美好的明天。

| 亲爱的,泼水节到了,要注意防寒保暖,千万别淋感冒了。

| 端起水盆或者拿起水桶,泼在身上,幸福绵长。

| 泼你甜蜜水,祝你爱情甜蜜到白头。

| 泼你逍遥水,祝你生活无忧乐陶陶。

| 泼你吉祥水,祝你万事如意样样好!


| It usually falls on April 13 and the festival lasts three days to April 15 each year. 泼水节 的时间在每年四月十三日,持续三天,一直到四月十五日结束。

| Water-splashing festival of the Thai people in Thailand and the Dai people in China and Shangsi Festival in ancient China are the festivals of water .流行于东南亚各国和我国傣族地区的 泼水节 和我国古代上巳节是两个水的节日。

| On the third day of the festival will begin celebrations even more varied and colourful than on the two preceding days. 泼水节 的第三天,节目更加丰富多彩。

| Utilizing Festival Symbols to Development Tourism Industry旅游业发展中的节日符号操弄――以西双版纳傣族 泼水节 为例

| Shenzhen does not belong to area of Dai inhabit a region, did not set so " Water-splashing Festival " put false date.深圳不属傣族聚居地区,所以没有规定“ 泼水节 ”放假日期。

| Investigation and Discussion of the Dai People s Water Splashing Festival傣族泼水节考辩

| Don't cast out the foul water till you Bring in the clean清水未来,莫泼赃水

| Let's go to Thailand for next year's festival!我们明年去泰国参加 泼水节 吧!

| Going to Xishuangbanna for the Water-sprinkling Festival has been an attractive tourism activity.去西双版纳参加 泼水节 ,已成为一个十分吸引人的旅游节目。

| throw a wet blanket on对…泼冷水,使扫兴

| Pour the water! Pour the water!泼水!泼水!

| The children love splashing water over each other.儿童喜欢互相泼水.

| Introduction of Songkran Festival Day泰国泼水节简介

| Referring to the " Water-splashing Festival ", people would naturally think of the Dai People.提到“ 泼水节 ”,人们会自然而然地想到傣族,可以说 泼水节 在某种程度上已经成为傣族及其传统文化的重要表征,成为人们了解傣族文化的“窗口”。

| cast a damp over/upo向…泼冷水,使…沮丧

| Pep up an entertainment使文娱节目生动活泼

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