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发布时间:2022-02-02 14:55:54

爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心! 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英文表白的句子图片(表白英语句子唯美短句) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如英文表白的话短句

| 情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。

| 爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心!

| 玫瑰,你的;巧克力,你的;钻戒,你的;你,我的。

| 只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。

| 何时能牵你的手,共看海天成一色?

| 做不了你的太阳,就让我做你的影子。

| 我是你的小小狗,你是我的小小骨头,就算掉进臭水沟,我也捡回叼着走。

| 这个世界上还没有那个人像你那么神经!那么痴情的爱着我。所以,我决定今生要娶你!

| My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you everyminute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.

| 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

| Become a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.

| I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.

| I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last.

| A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.

| It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words.

| I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and lovea person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forgetyou.

| Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

| If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together.

| No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your cry.

| Every day without you is like a book without pages.

| You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung for you.

| Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.

| Because of loving you so much that I stood aside. Although myfigure left you away, my heart didn't. Today I have made up my mindto say “I love you.”

| No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

| 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。

| Coffee is lonely without cups. I am lonely without you.

| Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile.

| Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!

| I can't live without you by my side. No one can ever take your place.

| Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

| You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.

| Every man is a poet when he is in love.

| I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.

| Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

| I am too happy to stand faint!

| I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when Imiss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.

| As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody's shoulder, I will stand before you immediately.

| I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.

| There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together.

| As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do foryou. When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebodys shoulder, I will stand before you immediately.

| Love triumphs over everthing.Love has no age, no limit and no death.

| For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.

| Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

| Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hangingon the curtain of my heart.

| I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.

| I am too happy to stand faint!

| Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.


| 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你你在一起时的感觉。

| 依据马斯洛需求理论看,你就是我的最基本的生存需求,没了你我没心情赚钱。

| 时间的巨轮无法抹去我对你的思念纵使海枯石烂,你的身影永存於我心中!

| 心已经被撕碎,散在空气里飞,像花朵已枯萎,无法再次收回。

| 如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中我将毫不保留。

| 我会做你的耳朵,倾听那走调式的专属。

| 我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。

| 爱一个人,就要相信自己能给她最大的幸福!

| 遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。

| 我的前世也许是只鸟。—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。

| 我的前世也许是只鸟。—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。

| 如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我!

| 首先,我要感谢上帝,让我又在这里遇上了你。

| 当你伤心难过时,我愿意成为你可以依靠的人。


| 我们的认识是一场意外,但它是美丽的意外。

| 不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。

| 上万事缘在其中,生死尚有时,缘之深浅岂无肖定缘来时喜,缘尽时悲!真是何苦又何必!不若有缘时珍惜。

| 为什么暗恋那么好,因为暗恋从来不会失恋。

| 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

| 在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。

| 一直冷待虚幻的爱情,一直以为自己不在意,只是因为你,我才身不由己;只是因为你,我才掉进爱的陷井!

| 我以为天是蓝色的,可是他却是灰色的。我以为心是静的,可是他却是跳动的`。我真的很想你!

| 独时想起你;落泪时想搂住你;开心时想扑向你;兴奋时想吻你。一切尽在这四个字:我需要你!

| 什么时候,你会想我,有如,我这般的想你。

| 激情是一种希望。这种希望可能变成失望。激情同时意味着痛苦和过渡。希望破灭时,激情便终止了。

| 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。

| 爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽。

| 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?

| 在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树!

| 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!

| 当风不再追云,当冰不再化水,当火不再炽热,当石不再坚硬,当世上没有爱情,我才能停止爱你……

| 通过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起。

| 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。

| 我不能没有你, 没有人会代替你在我心中的位置。

| 当我想你的时候,你会不会也刚好正在想我。

| 过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!

| 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!

| 我渴望爱情,一个人的笑印在俩人的眼眸,一份泪由两颗来体味。如果今生的缘前生定我愿用一切换一份真诚。

| 很想和你拥抱着看清晨的朝阳升起,很想和你拥抱着看黄昏的夕阳落去,很想在夜晚拥抱着你说:“我爱你!”

| 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。

| 遇上你是今生的缘份,爱上你是我今生的幸福,守护你是我今生的选择,为你我今生无怨无悔,爱你一生不变!

| 你的手机,贴着你的身体;我的信息贴着手机,真想冲破这屏幕,让我抱着你,生死轮回,我爱的唯有你!

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