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发布时间:2022-01-13 14:34:15

Reforming TTEFL and Improving students Comprehensive Ability;改进大学英语教学 提高 英语综合能力 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的关于综合技能的英语句子

| English proficiency综合英语能力

| Reforming TTEFL and Improving students Comprehensive Ability;改进大学英语教学 提高 英语综合能力

| Walking out of the wrong way and improving college students comprehensive ability in English;走出英语学习的误区,提高大学生 英语综合能力

| Promoting Students Lexical Competence to Facilitate Their Linguistic Competence;加强英语词汇教学,提高综合应用能力

| English comprehensive ability英语语言综合能力

| English integrated applied abilities英语综合运用能力

| On the Integrated English Teaching and Communicative competence cultivation;试论综合英语教学与交际能力的培养

| Reading English Simplified Masterpieces to Improve the Students' Comprehensive Ability of Using English赏析英语名著简写本,提高英语综合运用能力

| Understanding deeply the comprehensive competence to use college English;深刻理解“大学英语综合应用能力”

| English Text Approach and Cultivation of Comprehensive Abilities试论英语语篇教学与综合能力的培养

| comprehensive use of English综合应用英语能力

| comprehensive English ability英语综合能力

| Optimizing the Teaching of Integrated Skills of English Course to Improve Students English Comprehensive Competence;优化《综合英语》课程教学,发展学生语言综合能力

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