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发布时间:2021-10-04 21:32:42

你没权利看不惯我的生活方式,但你有权抠瞎自己的双眼。You have no right to lose sight of my way of life, but you have the right to blind your eyes. 下面就来看下今天小编给大家带来的英文的句子高冷(简短的高冷的英语句子) 此外,文章还提供了更多相关的文章如简短的高冷的英语句子、简短的高冷的英语句子、超拽高冷句子英语

| 道理是要跟懂道理的人讲,对于没皮没脸的人,就要以其人之道还治其人之身。Reason is to tell people who understand the truth. For those who have no skin and no face, they should treat them in the same way as others.

| 你没权利看不惯我的生活方式,但你有权抠瞎自己的双眼。You have no right to lose sight of my way of life, but you have the right to blind your eyes.

| 被人暖一下就高热,被人冷一下就成冰,请原谅我一生爱憎分明不讨巧。Being warm is hot, being cold is ice, please forgive me for my life love and hate is not clever.

| 人人都是自顾不暇的泥菩萨,别指望谁能帮你度过现实这条河。Everyone is a self-conscious clay bodhisattva. Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river.

| 你的抑郁症是矫情,你的拖延症是懒,你的强迫症是闲得蛋疼,你的失眠是根本不困。Your depression is melodramatic, your procrastination is lazy, your obsessive-compulsive disorder is very boring, your insomnia is not sleepy at all.

| 别把我的个性和态度混为一谈,我的个性是源于我是谁,而我的态度则取决于你是谁。Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality comes from who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are.

| 身为一个人,水倒七分满,话留三分软。不清楚我的路子,就别打听我的底线。As a person, the water pours seven cents full, leaving three soft words. Don't ask my bottom line if you don't know my way.

| 希望你过得没我好,死得比我早,吃不好也睡不好,还特别的显老。I hope you don't live as well as I do. You die earlier than I do. You can't eat well or sleep well. You are still very old.

| 再好的链子也拴不住爱跑的狗。No good chain can tie a running dog.

| 总归有人看不惯我,我能怎样,百般讨好,还是杀人灭口。Somebody can't stand me. What can I do, please or kill?

| 所谓靠谱的人,就是凡事有交代,件件有着落,事事有回音。The so-called trustworthy person is that everything has to be explained, everything has its end, everything has its echo.

| 时间总是霸道的推着人往前走,不给退路,我们总是执着的喜欢从前的人,不肯认输。Time always pushes people forward and does not give way. We are always persistent in liking the former and refuse to admit defeat.


| 所谓靠谱的人,就是凡事有交代,件件有着落,事事有回音。The so-called trustworthy person is that everything has to be explained, everything has its end, everything has its echo.

| 我只有这么一颗心,你看着伤吧。I only have such a heart, you look at the injury.

| 可能是现在感情太昂贵,让付出真心的人好疲惫。Maybe now the feelings are too expensive, so that those who give their hearts are tired.

| 跨过千山万水,回头发现我还在原地,在等你。Crossing mountains and rivers, I look back and find that I am still in place, waiting for you.

| 我们总是在人前装得潇洒,却还是在晚上流泪悲伤。We always pretend to be smart in front of people, but we still weep at night.

| 我的生活可以没有温暖,但绝不允许有欺骗。I can live without warmth, but I will never allow deception.

| 不是我变了,而是我懂得了,别人怎么对我,我怎么对别人。Not that I have changed, but that I have understood how others treat me and how I treat others.

| 请原谅我不够爱你,因为我还要留点爱自己。Please forgive me for not loving you enough, because I still need to love myself a little.

| 我把回忆撕成了碎片,却忘了丢掉。I tore my memories to pieces and forgot to throw them away.

| 人生太漫长,你只不过是一道风景!Life is too long, you are just a landscape!

| 我想的不是你,是曾经掏心掏肺的自己。I don't think it's you, it's me who used to pull out my heart and lungs.

| 不要再委屈自己,余生从头酷到脚。Stop wronging yourself, and be cool for the rest of your life.


| 既然想爱,就别怕薄,别怕被辜负。Since you want to love, don't be afraid of being thin, don't be afraid of being disappointed.

| 我曾经骄傲的向谁也不低头,可后来,我学会花言巧语面对不同的狗。I used to be proud of not bowing to anyone, but later, I learned to talk to different dogs.

| 你觉得我不好相处,可能只是因为我讨厌你吧。You think I'm not easy to get along with, maybe just because I hate you.

| 再好的链子也拴不住爱跑的狗。No good chain can tie a running dog.

| 只有我抛弃你的份,没有你不理我的份。Only I abandon your share, no you ignore my share.

| 我开始变老了,但是仍旧很幼稚。I began to grow old, but still very naive.

| 现在不努力,将来拿什么向曾经抛弃你的人证明它有多瞎。If you don't work hard now, what will you do in the future to prove to those who have abandoned you how blind it is?

| 不是我变了,而是我懂得了,别人怎么对我,我怎么对别人。Not that I have changed, but that I have understood how others treat me and how I treat others.

| 你的抑郁症是矫情,你的拖延症是懒,你的强迫症是闲得蛋疼,你的失眠是根本不困。Your depression is melodramatic, your procrastination is lazy, your obsessive-compulsive disorder is very boring, your insomnia is not sleepy at all.

| 被人暖一下就高热,被人冷一下就成冰,请原谅我一生爱憎分明不讨巧。Being warm is hot, being cold is ice, please forgive me for my life love and hate is not clever.

| 我的感情你永远都买不起,那不是廉价的。My feelings you can never afford, it's not cheap.


| 不要去感谢伤害过你的人,他们不配。

| 假装快乐的人,都是熬夜的一把好手。

| 好好活着,因为我们会死很久很久。

| 任何打击,都不应该成为你堕落的借口。

| 我把你当主旋律,你凭什么把我当插曲。

| 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

| 走,去染个绿色,不用带绿帽子。

| 变了心的人就像狗,谁有本事谁牵走。

| 人生没那么长,扭捏造作白白浪费时光。

| 太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己。

| 给我一根杠杆,我就能撑开眼皮。

| 不怕输的人最勇敢,不将就的人最好看。

| 为谁唱离歌、对谁说情话、给谁写天涯。

| 拥有就好好珍惜,放弃就别再回头。

| 爱过雄鹰的女人,怎么会喜欢上乌鸦。

| 我过的好不好,和你有什么关系。

| 做个俗人,别无他求,干净自由。

| 我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。

| 别跟我谈感情,我很忙的,忙着发财。

| 你说我是错的,那你最好证明你是对的。

| 生活是自己的,尽情打扮,尽情可爱。

| 坚强”两个字,女汉子还用不着。

| 我想遇见你,然后经历所有浪漫。

| 喝过烈酒,抽过烟,爱过渣人,信过狗。

| 若不是真心,就不要随意插足我的生活。

| 我身后空无一人,怎敢轻易倒下。

| 嘲讽也好,掌声也好,做好自己。

| 我只是习惯有你,并不是缺你不可!

| 我没那么大方,容忍你,又宽容她。

| 猛兽总是独行,牛羊才成群结队。

| 各种姿,各种招。各种澎湃,各种飘。

| 你为什么要怕鬼,害你的全是人。

| 暖一颗心需要多少年,心凉只需一瞬间。

| 别说我高傲,我只是不与禽兽打交道。

| 逢人只说三句话,不可全抛一片心。

| 别说我很坏,我曾比你们任何人都傻。

| 有时候,与其多心,不如少根筋。

| 未曾深夜痛哭过的人,不足以谈论人生。

| 我的世界不是城门,容不得你来来回回。

| 得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话。

| 辉煌的时刻谁都有,别拿一刻当永久!

| 谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。

| 我不是骨头,不能让每条狗都追着跑。

| 弱者才会诉苦,强者永远找方法!

| 你不对自己好点,谁还能把你当回事。

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