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发布时间:2021-06-04 21:00:33

1、What's the big idea? *用来表示“你怎么做那种事,你到底在想什么呢?”

2、First come, first served.

3、Don't stare at me! (别盯着我。) *stare at...“一直盯着看,凝视”。

4、Do something about it! Please do something about it.(请想点儿办法吧!) Please take care of it for me.(请为我处理一下儿吧。) 我忙得要命。

5、How impolite! (怎么那么厚颜无耻!)

6、I think we should go left. (我觉得该往左拐。)

7、This is the last straw. *last straw 表示“再也无法承受的负担和困难上又新加的痛苦”。 Your husband hit you again? (你丈夫又打你了?) Yes. This is the last straw. (是的。

8、The more, the merrier.

9、Are you crazy? (你是不是疯啦?)

10、We should turn right. (我们该往右拐。)

11、Ha, ha, you fell down. (哈!哈!摔倒了呀。)

12、Don't say that. (你别那么说呀!) You're wasting your time and money! 你太慷慨了。 You're too generous. *在送给别人相当有价值的东西等场合时使用。

13、No more excuses! *excuse “辩解”。

14、暴跳如雷stamp with rage; stamp about in a frenzy

15、Don't insult my intelligence. *直译“你别侮辱我的才智”。用于吵架开始时。

16、How impudent you are to say such a thing! *impudent “厚颜的”,“不知羞耻的”。

17、Give credit where credit is due.

18、You're getting on my nerves. *nerve “ 神经 ”,get on my nerves“触动我的神经,让我心烦”。


20、Hey, don't tell me what to do! It's my money. (喂!你少命令我,这是我自己的钱。)

21、Do whatever you want!

22、You'll wish you hadn't done it. (你会后悔这么做的。)

23、You'll be sorry. (你会后悔的。)

24、You're getting on my nerves.(你真让我心烦。)

25、Don't give me any lip.

26、Don't give me excuses.

27、I'll do it for ¥50,000. (给五万,我就干!)

28、That's asking too much. (真是狮子大开口。)

29、What he says offends me. (他说的话多气人呀。)

30、Better luck next time.

31、We've got to get even. *get even “回击,报复”。

32、I'm sorry, please forgive me. (对不起,请原谅。)


35、公平点儿! Play fair! Play fairly! Don't cheat! (不许搞鬼。) 多费时费钱呀! What a waste of time and money! What a waste of time and money! (费时又费钱。)

36、You're being too greedy. (你也太贪了。)

37、I can't. I've run out of patience. (我做不到,我再也忍耐不了了。)


39、Burn the candle at both ends

40、Everything isn't always logical. Not everything follows the rules of logic. (金钱)全都浪费了。 It went down the drain. *drain “排水管”。

41、I lost my temper. (我发脾气了。)

42、Okay, okay, have it your way! (好吧,好吧,你随便吧!)

43、I want to get even with him.

44、I'm upset. *upset “生气,心烦意乱”。

45、这个应该是你要找的 生气时 ●不满和牢骚时 啊呸!真见鬼! Oh, heck! *heck表示有点灰心和失望。

46、He has a quick temper.

47、You're teasing me. (你耍我呢。) *tease “逗弄,戏弄”、“愚弄”。

48、We have to get him back.

49、That's disgusting. *disgusting“讨厌的,令人厌恶的,让人作呕的”。表达让人厌恶、讨厌得直想吐的心情。

50、七窍生烟The smoke of one's anger came out of one's nostrils.

51、Don't think you can make a fool out of me! *make a fool out of... 表示“轻视,看不起”。直译是“别以为你可以轻视我!”

52、You're making fun of me. *make fun of... 表示“看不起人,把……作为取笑对象”。把它作为一个短语来记。

53、I'm mad at you! (你气死我了!)

54、我再也忍不下去了。) That's it. I've had it up to here. I can't take it any more. 你的答复我接受不了。

55、Don't talk down to me. (别说看不起人的话。)

56、Read somebody like an open book.

57、Go from bad to worse

58、He looked at his son.

59、Don't make (any) excuses!

60、generous “慷慨的”、“不吝惜的”、“宽大的”、“度量大的”。 I'd like you to have this. (我想送你这个。)

61、Where is your homework? (你的作业在哪儿呢?) Shucks! I forgot it at home. (哎呀!我忘在家里了。) 真见鬼! Shoot! *表示厌恶、激怒、惊奇等。

62、It all depends on what one means by something.

63、What he says offends me. *offend “得罪人,使人生气,给人不愉快的感觉”。

64、想点儿办法吧! Do something! Our house is a mess? (我们的家真乱。) So, do something! (那,你就收拾收拾吧。)

65、怒发冲冠be [become] so angry that one's hair raised [lifted] up his hat

66、You're really irritating me. (你真让我烦。)*irritate“使人心烦,让人着急,使人生气”。

67、I wasn't born yesterday. (我又不是不懂。)

68、It drives me crazy. (它简直快让我疯了。) It makes me crazy. It drives me up the wall. 就这些吗? Is that all? I'd like this one, and that one, please. (我要这个和那个。)

69、You can't have everything your own way.

71、You're pushing your luck. (你还真来劲!)

72、You're too kind. 他把一切都告诉了我。 He told me all about it. He told me everything. 怎么花这么长时间? What's taking so long? Why is it taking so long? 10分钟怎么也来不及。

73、I didn't just fall off the turnip truck! *turnip 蔬菜中的“芜菁”,直译“我又不是刚从货车上掉下来的芜菁。”用该短语表示“我知道得十分清楚”。

74、Accidentally/on purpose

75、No ifs, ands or buts! You will finish it today. (不要找借口,你今天怎么也得完成。)

76、Don't tell me what to do! *这是句常用语,直译“用不着你对我说该做什么。”

77、That's a rude thing to say! (那样说太野蛮。)

78、I almost made it. *用almost表示“差一点儿就……”。 The train just left. (电车刚走。)


81、Don't try to make me look foolish! 直译“别把我弄得像个傻瓜”。

82、No ifs, ands or buts! *用在有人用if(如果……的话)、and(还有)、but(但是……)等词作解释时。

83、常用来表示事情并不像自己所想像的那样顺利时。 Shoot! I Missed the train. (真见鬼!我没赶上电车。)

84、That's not a nice thing to say.(你这样说也太失礼了。)

85、Are you out of your mind?

86、Let someone off the hook

87、That's blackmail! *blackmail“勒索”、“恐吓”。

88、I'm dissatisfied with his answer. His answer didn't satisfy me. 他今天一副挑衅的样子。 He's got a chip on his shoulder today. *指“要打架的样子”、“情绪不好的态度”。

89、有的事是行不通的。 Not everything is logical. *logical “合逻辑的”、“合乎道理的”。

90、I've heard enough of your excuses. (我不想再听你的辩解了。)

91、How was the investment? (投资的那个项目怎么样?) It went down the drain. (全都白搭了。) 就差那么一点儿。

92、Yes, it's delicious. Try it. (嗯,很好吃啊,你试试!)

93、Do you know who you're talking to?

94、Don't belittle me. (别看不起人。)

95、啊!糟了! Uh-oh. *表示“不好”、“糟了”,带有惊讶的语气。 Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗?) Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了。)

96、That's not a good excuse.

97、Do you have anything to say?

98、I'm so busy. I'm so busy today. (我今天忙得要命。) How about tomorrow? (那明天怎么样?) I'm too busy. I'm as busy as a bee. *短语,“像蜜蜂一样忙碌”。

99、Don't give me any lip service! *lip “嘴唇”,“lip service”表示“口惠”。

100、That sneaky, low life creep! *sneaky“鬼鬼祟祟,卑鄙的”,low life “社会下层的人,卑怯的家伙”,creep “阴郁得让人讨厌的人”、“非常讨厌的人”。

101、Isn't he cool? (他是不是很酷?)

102、Don't tease me. (别拿我开玩笑。)

103、Do you have anything to complain about?

104、I almost made it. (就差那么一点儿。) I was almost on time. I was just a little late. (就晚了那么一点儿。)

105、Bob 老师是加拿大人,他主要以生活中的实际场景来由浅入深地展开英语教学,并制作了大量的免费公开课,受到广大英语学习者的好评。

106、On the tip of one's tongue

107、Sheesh! 他妈的! Shit! *听起来很低级。shoot是shit的委婉说法。

108、这项工作对我来说太重了。 This task is too much for me. * task表示“作为任务分派给人的工作”。

109、You can't make me look stupid!

110、Your response is unacceptable. *unacceptable 表示“接受不了”。 I'm not satisfied with what you say. Your answer is unsatisfactory. 我不满意他的回答。

111、That's not enough. *用于所持或得到的量不足时。 I'll give you 10% off. (我给你便宜10%。)

112、Rub someone the wrong way.

113、But I can't help it. (可是我毫无 办法 呀!)

114、Uh-uh! ? Uh-huh! 因为Is not和Uh-uh表达的是No的意思,所以是一边摇着头一边说。

115、Is that all? (就这些吗?) Is that it? Anything else? (还要别的吗?) 这太少了。/这不够。

116、He has a bad temper.

117、You're starting to get on my nerves. (你又开始做让我心烦的事了。)

118、You're a filthy liar. *filthy“污秽的,卑鄙的,肮脏的”。

119、I know what you mean. (我理解你的心情。)

120、Stop on one's toes

121、But I can't. (可是,我不会呀!)

122、I'm not satisfied with his answer. *be satisfied with。 “对……感到满意”。

123、Who do you think you're talking to? *表示“你对我能用这种口气说话吗?”。

125、I'm not stupid! (我没那么傻。)

126、That's not enough. How about 20% off? (这太少了。20%怎么样?) I'd like more. (我还想要点儿。)

127、That's disgusting. Are you going to eat that? (看上去真恶心,你准备吃吗?)

128、Don't make fun of me. (别取笑我!)

129、Ten minutes isn't enough time. (10分钟太仓促了。) 他看不起我。


131、Are you confused? *更尖锐的说法。

132、Don't look at me like that!

133、Do you have any objection to it? (你有什么不同 意见 ?)

134、Suit yourself! *用于好心好意给人出主意却不被接受时。“那随你便吧,爱怎么着就怎么着吧。”


136、横眉竖眼put on a fierce [determined] look

137、I'm not giving in. (我绝不让步。)

138、That's gross. (那真恶心。)

139、I need more. (我需要再多一点儿。) 他对我不公平。


141、I'll pay him back. (这个仇我一定得报。)

142、I've heard enough of your excuses. *直译是“我已经听够你的解释了。”

143、This task is too much for me. (这项工作对我来说太重了。) Please don't give up yet. (请你别放弃。)

144、There's no way to tell.

145、He has a short temper.

146、B) That's blackmail! (你这是恐吓。)*B做了坏事,而被A知道。

147、You can't talk to me like that. (你不能这样对我说话。)

148、You're good for nothing. 简直快让我疯了。 It drives me crazy. I hate that noise. (我真讨厌那种声音。)

149、I lent him money. (我把钱借给他了。)

150、I wasn't born yesterday. *直译“我可不是昨天才生下来的”。

151、He's unfair to me. *unfair “不公平的”、“不合理的”。 He treats me 。

152、You've got me there.

153、Are you trying to make a fool out of me? (你是不是在把我当笑料呀?)

154、Don't look at me like that! (别用那种眼神看着我!)

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