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发布时间:2022-05-22 22:02:39

| 用勇敢制成的帆去迎接一切风雨,直到驶向梦想的彼岸。

| 最勇敢的事莫过于:看透了这个世界,却依旧还爱着它。

| 生命中最值得荣耀的,不是没有失败,而是在每次失败后都能勇敢地站起来。

| 谁也没有办法把过去发生的事情一笔勾销,要记住教训,勇敢的活下去。

| 一个人要勇敢,不要为一点小是而害怕的失魂落魄,要勇敢面对生活。

| 并不是先有了勇气才敢于说话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇气。

| 真正的勇气在极端的胆怯和鲁莽之间。

| 你不能赤手空拳地开始你的行程,你必须锻炼出健壮的身体和足够的勇气。

| 命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。

| 我的性格慢慢的变了,没有了以前的天真和善良了,终究被社会改变了。

| 也许知道前面有人在等待自己的时候,人就会变得格外勇敢吧。

| 成长,失去的不仅仅是时光,还有我们那不怕失去的勇气。

| 人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。

| 人有了勇敢的气质,生活起来就会觉得充实,做起事来就会事半功倍。

| 没有人生来就是勇敢的,勇敢并不是不害怕,而是要假装勇敢,并学会克服恐惧。

| 正气是人的形象,骨气是人的脊梁,朝气是人的希望,勇气是人的力量。

| 勇敢的定义只有一个,但勇敢的表现可能有很多种。勇敢者的精神是顽强的。

| 当我迷了路,丧失了爱你的勇气。就再也找不到苟延残喘的呼吸。

| 没有尝试,就没有成功;唯有面对困难或危险,才会激起更高一程的决心和勇气。

| 去见你喜欢的人吧,趁阳光正好,趁海水正蓝,趁你还有勇气,趁他还未老去。

| 太在乎结局,就会连开始的勇气都没有了。

| 我要像哥曾经那样,在暗处支撑起这个世界。

| 一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不能被人剥夺。

| 如果有足够的勇气,许多人都会成为懦夫。

| 超越**极限的痛苦是强悍,超越精神极限的才是强者。

| 当你恐惧时,她会给你从容无畏的勇气,教导你自拔来归的信心。

| 勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。

| 未来的岁月在前面召唤,散发着希望的光芒。

| 人生有时候需要勇敢一下,勇敢去爱,勇敢去恨,然后,勇敢忘记,勇敢向前。

| 对勇气的最大考验,就是看一个人能否做到败而不馁。

| 有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。

| 我不是缺少机会,我问真的是缺少勇气,改变现在的勇气!

| 何谓勇气,即是一次次自我突破而来的巨大能量。

| 还没开始就嚷嚷着说走不通的人,永远也不可能开拓出自己的路。

| 有些梦想虽然遥不可及,但不是不可能实现。只要我足够的强。

| 勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。

| 只有选择勇敢才会去尝试,只有去尝试才能会做,只有会做才能成功。

| 不论你的威望有多高,务必要有勇气对自己说:我总是无知的。

| 表现勇敢则勇气来;往后退缩则恐惧来。

| 勇气有时也会回到被服者的心中。

| 有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧克服恐惧。

| 勇气的考验通常不是去死而是活下来。

| 勇敢和必胜的信念,常使战斗得以胜利结束。

| 如果没有开始的勇气,何来疯狂的过程,又怎知终点的模样?

| 不要畏惧我,我只是虚张声势;你要打败我,我只是一只纸老虎。

| 对付贫穷要有勇气,忍受嘲笑要有勇气,正视自己营垒里的敌对者也要有勇气。

| 想要离开,但是我那么不勇敢,连说出口的勇气都没有。

| 谁不经常克服自己的恐惧心理,谁就领悟不到生活的真谛。

| 勇敢,使我勇于正视错误;勇敢,使我敢于战胜挫折。

| 在人类所有的品质里,最赞赏的诚实与勇敢。诚实面对,勇敢担当。

| 勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之首,因为这种德性保证了所有其余的德性。

| 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。

| 您必须保持诚实人的立场,这时常是冒险的人需要的勇气。

| Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”- C. JoyBell C.

| The most difficult thing in life is to challenge yourself. Only by challenging yourself and the limits can you paramore and achieve brilliant achievements.

| As long as you dare to challenge, success is not far from you.

| Only by standing the test of difficulties can we climb to the top of the search.

| Opportunities and challenges can't be met. If you meet them, you will have the opportunity to change yourself.

| Embrace dreams and meet challenges.

| Only by constantly challenging can we have a better tomorrow.

| Let's challenge and surpass together, and challenge to the limit with the belief of "faster, higher and stronger"!

| My friend, if the heart is there, the challenge is there! Let's challenge our life with confidence!

| Take the heavy responsibility bravely, challenge yourself, and dare to challenge the "impossible" work.

| Be yourself firmly and face challenges bravely.

| Dare to challenge and achieve yourself!

| Laughing at the peak of life, only hardships bear fruit.

| People always yearn for a smooth and prosperous day, but it can't stay the same.

| A person's success comes from challenges, which need not only challenges, but also stronger challenges!

| The road of life depends on oneself, and life needs challenges.

| The challenge is full of thorns, full of bumps, and there are institutions; It takes courage, wisdom and calmness to overcome it.

| full of curiosity, not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.

| You are not alone in the face of challenges.

| Face every shortcoming and meet the next challenge.

| Embrace the challenge and pursue your own unique light.

| Everyone should challenge themselves, because everyone has their own goals. Only by challenging themselves can they move forward towards their own goals.

| Go to this challenge calmly and surpass yourself, and you will win.

| Life is like a play, like a colorful dream, like a string of colorful pearls. Life is so beautiful that it needs challenges.

| Faced with such a hard life, they didn't give up, but chose to face and challenge impossible tasks.

| Don't always stare at your weaknesses, but think more about your strengths, which is actually quite good.

| Success comes from daring to challenge.

| When the challenge comes, like an eagle soaring in the sky, it flies high.

| a person, want to be good, you must accept the challenge.

| As long as you face the challenge bravely, I believe butterflies can break out of their cocoons.

| If you defeat yourself, you will win the final victory.

| A person should have the spirit of never giving up, never giving up, being brave in fighting and challenging himself. Only in this way can you make progress.

| Practice tests the truth and dares to try and challenge.

| I believe that success can only be achieved if we have the courage to challenge, and happiness lies in the process of surpassing ourselves.

| From today, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself!

| When the challenge comes, seize the opportunity and seize every minute.

| The joy, excitement and pride after the success of the challenge are beyond words.

| To make yourself excellent, you must constantly challenge yourself.

| Challenge yourself to face life better.

| Jump out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

| challenge yourself, will usher in a better tomorrow, will have brilliant achievements.

| Self-challenge is a spirit of making progress, striving hard and striving for first-class.

| As long as we have the courage, no challenge will be a problem. Let's face all kinds of challenges in the future bravely.

| The more powerful people are, the more they know how to constantly challenge themselves.

| see through something, can better forward, the strong always like to challenge yourself.

| hone your will in practice and temper your skills in challenges.

| Dare to challenge is the only way to success. Dare to challenge yourself can surpass yourself.

| Face up to challenges and dare to collide.

| Be a man and dare to challenge.

| Dare to challenge yourself and life, and the door of wisdom will always open for you!

| Strengthen confidence and challenge yourself.

| The most challenging course in life is to improve yourself and strive for self-improvement!

| Challenge yourself and dream for the future.

| black and blue, or broken, at least there is no necessity to return empty-handed, at least understand that life is rushing to the end in endless challenges.

| If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of life bravely.

| Running to pursue goals is a kind of realm, and it is a kind of courage to try to challenge the limits.

| Do something new every day, challenge yourself, and let yourself grow and progress.

| The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain, and there is a clear sky behind the dark clouds. Only when you dare to challenge and struggle, life will wave to you and smile at you.

| In the journey of life, even if you encounter difficulties, don't be discouraged, but face them bravely and challenge life!

| invincible, challenge yourself, will be brilliant!

| Life thrives on those who dare to challenge adversity.

| the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge, as long as you are willing to take this step, you can also become brave!

| Everyone should constantly challenge themselves, strive hard, keep moving forward in the ups and downs, and achieve success.

| 17, not afraid of new journey, meet new challenges.

| The wheel of life can be more stable after experiencing setbacks again and again.

| Be open-minded, challenge and meet.

| A person's greatest enemy is himself. There is no impossible task, only the self who has lost confidence.

| Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself.

| Face up to challenges with self-discipline and greet yourself better.

| the challenge of life, to brave to the will of the day.

| Break through yourself, challenge yourself and be your best self!

| Challenge may not be a declaration of war, but an experience of growth and an transcendence. It will make everyone who understands the challenge get the value they deserve.

| Face up to the challenge! Let life gain, gain and bloom perfectly!

| Life is a constant battle against the top. Only those who dare to accept challenges are the real warriors, and those who can conquer themselves can stand between heaven and earth.

| Constantly seek to break through the self and challenge the limit, so as to make life more challenging and interesting.

| Believe in yourself, affirm yourself, and dare to challenge yourself, and your life will glow with new vitality.

| For the sake of our dreams, we should be stronger!

| Try bravely, don't be afraid of failure, and realize your dream is no longer out of reach.

| Challenge and achieve.

| Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can life bloom.

| Everyone has his own principles and his own bottom line. Don't challenge it easily, or you won't know what to do.

| Reach the peak and challenge the limit.

| sharpen your youth and meet challenges.

| 风吹不动泰山,雨打不弯青松。

| 一个勇敢的人,也就是满怀信心的人。

| 勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。

| 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒;滴水穿石,非一日之功。

| 不上崎岖高山,不知大地平坦。

| 百个懦夫百回头,一个勇夫照样走。

| 挫折能增长经验,经验能丰富智慧。

| 有牺牲精神才能有成功的希望。

| 为其所应为,这样的人才是勇敢的。

| 胆大的人渡洋过海,胆小的人跬步难行。

| 前怕狼后怕虎的人当不了猎手。

| 有勇气终能达到顶峰,怕困难总不能实现愿望。

| 好汉死在战场上,懒汉死在炕头上。

| 为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。

| 风浪里试舵手,困难中识英雄。

| 如果整个世界是公正的话,勇气就没有必要存在了。

| 不要畏惧我,我只是虚张声势;你要打败我,我只是一只纸 老虎。

| 一个人要勇敢,不要为一点小是而害怕的失魂落魄,要勇敢 面对生活。

| 尽避他们为贪婪所役使,但仍显示出惊人勇气机智和百折不

| 并不是先有了勇气才敢于说话,而是在说话的同时培养了勇 气。

| 勇敢,使我勇于正视错误;勇敢,使我敢于战胜挫折。

| 对付贫穷要有勇气,忍受嘲笑要有勇气,正视自己营垒里的 敌对者也要有勇气。

| 人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。

| 人生有时候需要勇敢一下,勇敢去爱,勇敢去恨,然后,勇 敢忘记,勇敢向前。

| 如果,连面对失去的勇气都没有,那么,就不配去得到什么。

| 人有了勇敢的气质,生活起来就会觉得充实,做起事来就会 事半功倍。

| 奔跑,是一种勇气,一种成长的标志。

| 勇气如同甘甜的河流,让因磨难而千沟万壑的心灵得到滋润。

| 微笑向前,无所畏惧。以勇气,对明天,会发现它并不可怕。

| 一帘幽梦,引起一串串童年的回忆,找到了伴我成长的勇气。

| 勇气的力量是强大的,因为它可以让你突破难关,勇敢地坚持下去。

| 各种困难的到来就只是为了成就一个更好的你,请时时刻刻都拥有勇气!

| 勇气如同温暖的阳光,让因自私而日渐麻木的人心得到温暖。

| 成长的路途不是一帆风顺的,要在成长中学会坚强、勇敢。

| 勇气就像生活中一盏明灯,有了勇气,我们就能在人生的道路上勇往直前!

| 只要你有勇气,相信自己什么事都能做得好。

| 勇气是突破自己的金钥匙,有了勇气我们就能打开一个个困难的锁头。

| 勇敢在人生道路上奔跑,勇敢跨越一次次的坎坷、困苦。

| 勇气如同清新的空气,让因瓶颈而心灰意冷的内心得到活力。

| 努力可以战胜困难,战胜困难是一个人必备的生存能力。

| 我的青春勇气,我的路,既然选择了,便会一直延伸,没有终点。

| 无论面对什么,不管是挫折还是坎坷,请如花一般绽放自信。

| 勇气,久久地霸占了我的心房,它,绽放着逆境中最耀眼的光彩。

| 成长是一笔交易,我们都是用朴素的童真与未经人事的洁白交换长大的勇气。

| 未来很近,也很远,我不知道还是否有勇气创造属于我的未来。

| 征服自己需要更大的勇气,其胜利也是所有胜利中最光荣的胜利。

| 鼓不起勇气时,依靠一个小小的借口,也是不错的选择。

| 人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。

| 青年的动人之处,就在于勇气,和他们的远大前程。

| 对付贫穷要有勇气,忍受嘲笑要有勇气,正视自己营垒里的敌对者也要有勇气。

| 无聊会夺走一切,甚至连自杀的勇气也会夺走。

| 勇气是一种素质,有了勇气,一切事情都好办了。

| 十足的勇气和全然的胆怯,是两个罕见的极端。

| 勇气是智慧和一定程度教养的必然结果。

| 你可不可以也主动一次,好让我有继续下去的勇气。

| 你是我那些年里错过的勇气,我从不怕一无所有,却只怕此生只能目送你走。

| whatever others say,take your own road.

| 一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不能被人剥夺。

| 唯有那净我灵魂鼓我勇气的才叫诗。

| 勇气有时也会回到被服者的心中。

| 勇气的考验通常不是去死而是活下来。

| 希望是坚强的勇气,是新生的意志。

| Wherever true valor is found, true modesty will there abound. (William Gillbert, British dramatist and poet)

| 大量的人才能失落在尘世间,只因缺少一点儿勇气。

| 战争其实很简单,进攻是唯一的秘绝,只要有勇气,世界就会屈服在你脚下。

| 它绽放的瞬间,充满勇气的灼热和即将幻灭的绚烂。

| Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. (Clare Boothe Luce, RSA dramatist)

| 有勇气承担命运,这才是英雄好汉。

| 盲目可以增加你的勇气,因为你无法看到危险。

| We know the good, we apprehend it clearly, but we can't bring it to achievement. To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. (Euripides , ancient Creek dramatist.)

| 何谓勇气,即是一次次自我突破而来的巨大能量。

| 勇气存在于自我恢复的能力之中。

| The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. 世界上对勇7.气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心.

| 英雄给予凡人勇气,勇气使凡人成为英雄。

| 所谓成长,不只是拥有梦想,还要拥有为梦想买单的勇气。

| 承受痛苦,比死亡更需要勇气。

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