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发布时间:2022-05-22 21:29:43

| A persons life should be to appreciate himself, affirm

| My friend, if the heart is there, the challenge is there! Lets

| Challenge and achieve.

| the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge,

| To die and meet the challenge.

| Face up to the challenge! Let life gain, gain and bloom perfectly!

| Everyone should constantly challenge themselves, strive hard, keep

| If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of

| Life is a self-challenge. Only by improving the pattern can lifebloom.

| On the ideal road, bravely challenge yourself and experience yourself.

| Challenge yourself and dream for the future.

| Challenge me to success. Calm down and think. When you cant

| For the sake of our dreams, we should make ourselves strong. When

| Dont seek to be compared with others, but seek to surpass yourself.

| 害怕攀登高峰的人,永远在山下徘徊。

| 贤者能自反,则无往不善;不贤者不能自反,为人子则多怨,为人父则多暴。

| 人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。

| 失败,对弱者是一次打击,对强者却是一次激励。

| 人在逆境里比在顾境里更能坚强不屈,遭厄运时比交好运时更容易保全身心。

| 1990年李安的剧本《推手》在台湾获奖,接着有人出钱给他拍电影。电影大获成功,从此一步一步走上神坛。

| 哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。

| 命运,不过是失败者无聊的自慰,不过是懦怯者的解嘲。人们的前途只能靠自己的意志自己的努力来决定。

| 六个候选人里,小杨资历最深,但最后HR录用的人,不是她。

| 天空虽有乌云,但乌云的上面,永远会有太阳在照耀。

| 经验和睿智都是从无数次痛苦的体验中得来的,所以那些痛苦的经历必须经受。

| 要知道,能在困境中保持自强是多么令人崇敬啊!

| 困难就像弹簧一样,你进它就短,你退它就长。

| 下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。

| 6年的“家庭煮夫”生涯里,李安除了带小孩、做饭,其他时间都在研究电影、写剧本。

| 无论你觉得自己多么的不幸,永远有人比你更加不幸。

| 只要心中有无比强大的自信,再凭借顽强的斗志和特立独行的品质,一定是会成功的。

| 有坚定不移的信念和顽强的意志,就会有出乎相象的强大威力。

| 用时不爱惜,就要损坏;做时不慎重,就要失败。

| 六年后,王军在城市买了房子、车子,第八年的时候搬进了新家,并把老家的房子重新装修了一番。

| 人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。

| 三年后,学有所成,王军跳出原来的圈子,跟人合伙开了一家小型的机械厂,又慢慢地做大。

| 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。

| 每个人都会有恐惧的时候,勇敢的人能正视恐惧,克服恐惧。

| 人生有两出悲剧。一是万念俱灰;另一是踌躇满志。

| 对勇气的最大考验,就是看一个人能否做到败而不馁。

| From small beginnings comes great things.

| Please try harder, for the people you want to see, the things you want to do and the person you yourself want to be.

| Only on the top of the mountain, to see the scenery.

| I don't believe in hope .Hope is a beggar .Hope walks through the fire and faith leaps over it.

| The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.

| Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

| Good things come to those who wait.

| Don't waste life in doubts and fears.

| Every cloud has a sliver lining.

| 一个人,正如一个时钟,是以他的行动来定其价值的。

| Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination.

| Smile and maybe tomorrow you'll see the sun come shining through

| I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.

| Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.

| Something attempted, something done.

| It's great to have dreams.

| Promice Yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

| Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear.

| You cannot find peace by avoiding life.

| Industry is the parent of success。

| If you're afraid to fail then you're probably going to fail.

| You need only the courage to follow your heart.

| Your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep.

| Luck is the name losers give to their own failings.

| The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.

| Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed.

| God helps those who help themselves.

| The more difficult something is,the more rewarding it is in the end.

| You can not live your life to please others, the choice must be yours.

| Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

| You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success.

| No road of flowers leads to glory.

| Tomorrow is never clear.Our time is here.

| People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.

| If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.

| Standing up to your own.That would take a real hero

| Life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

| Each man is the architect of his own fate。

| Bad times make a good man.

| Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

| Face up to challenges and dare to collide.

| Dare to challenge and achieve yourself!

| Self-challenge is a spirit of making progress, striving hard and striving for first-class.

| Dare to challenge and never give up.

| If you defeat yourself, you will win the final victory.

| The road of life depends on oneself, and life needs challenges.

| Challenge may not be a declaration of war, but an experience of growth and an transcendence. It will make everyone who understands the challenge get the value they deserve.

| Challenging yourself is a good way to overcome yourself. If you want to succeed, you not only need to work hard, but also challenge and persist, so that you can hope to succeed!

| Break through yourself, challenge yourself and be your best self!

| Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself!

| Faced with such a hard life, they didn't give up, but chose to face and challenge impossible tasks.

| hone your will in practice and temper your skills in challenges.

| Face each shortcoming calmly and meet the next challenge!

| Only pressure has motive force, and only hard work has harvest!

| a person's success comes from challenges, not only need challenges, but also need stronger challenges!

| Practice tests the truth and dares to try and challenge.

| Life is a constant battle against the top. Only those who dare to accept challenges are the real warriors, and those who can conquer themselves can stand between heaven and earth.

| The challenge is full of thorns, full of bumps, and there are institutions; It takes courage, wisdom and calmness to overcome it.

| It is the saddest failure to defeat yourself, and it is a valuable victory to defeat yourself.

| Be open-minded, challenge and meet.

| Constantly seek to break through the self and challenge the limit, so as to make life more challenging and interesting.

| Life is to challenge yourself and pursue yourself bravely.

| Face challenges and be fearless; Facing the future, full of confidence.

| Laughing at the peak of life, only hardships bear fruit.

| Starting today, meet the challenges.

| a person, want to be good, you must accept the challenge.

| challenge yourself, in the face of any difficulties, we must keep climbing and never give up.

| Challenge, it makes you walk through the mountains ahead, makes you stand on the splendid stage, and makes you have different gains.

| Don't be afraid of a new journey and meet new challenges.

| Challenge yourself bravely and experience yourself.

| Don't seek to be compared with others, but seek to surpass yourself. If you want to cry, you will cry tears of excitement. If you want to laugh, you will laugh out your growing character!

| I believe that success can only be achieved if we have the courage to challenge, and happiness lies in the process of surpassing ourselves.

| Rejecting mediocrity poses a challenge to life. Maybe you will appear on the other side of success tomorrow.

| Be born fearless and challenge yourself.

| People always yearn for a smooth and prosperous day, but it can't stay the same.

| dare to do, dare to do.

| Embrace the challenge and pursue your own unique light.

| Challenge yourself and make yourself better every day than yesterday.

| Let's challenge and surpass together, and challenge to the limit with the belief of "faster, higher and stronger"!

| Give life a challenge so that you can make a breakthrough and create a miracle of life.

| full of curiosity, not afraid of difficulties, the courage to challenge themselves.

| A person's greatest enemy is himself. There is no impossible task, only the self who has lost confidence.

| To make yourself excellent, you must constantly challenge yourself.

| When the challenge comes, like an eagle soaring in the sky, it flies high.

| The most difficult thing in life is to challenge yourself. Only by challenging yourself and the limits can you paramore and achieve brilliant achievements.

| sharpen your youth and meet challenges.

| the game of the brave is not only brave people dare to challenge, as long as you are willing to take this step, you can also become brave!

| Life is like a play, like a colorful dream, like a string of colorful pearls. Life is so beautiful that it needs challenges.

| Life needs challenges, even if failure is ugly.

| Challenges, we have to face challenges all the time in our lives, challenge the present, challenge the future and, more importantly, challenge ourselves.

| There are many challenges in life. Don't let them defeat you. You can't back down when faced with great challenges.

| Try bravely, don't be afraid of failure, and realize your dream is no longer out of reach.

| Believe in yourself, affirm yourself, and dare to challenge yourself, and your life will glow with new vitality.

| Everyone should challenge themselves, because everyone has their own goals. Only by challenging themselves can they move forward towards their own goals.

| A person should have the spirit of never giving up, never giving up, being brave in fighting and challenging himself. Only in this way can you make progress.

| Running to pursue goals is a kind of realm, and it is a kind of courage to try to challenge the limits.

| Only by constantly challenging can we have a better tomorrow.

| invincible, challenge yourself, will be brilliant!

| A person's success comes from challenges, which need not only challenges, but also stronger challenges!

| people should have the courage to challenge themselves, so as not to leave regrets.

| Everyone should constantly challenge themselves, strive hard, keep moving forward in the ups and downs, and achieve success.

| Be yourself firmly and face challenges bravely.

| Challenge yourself to face life better.

| If we face the difficulties bravely and accept the challenges of life bravely.

| Go to this challenge calmly and surpass yourself, and you will win.

| Face every shortcoming and meet the next challenge.

| Embrace dreams and meet challenges.

| Have dreams, dare to challenge, and change the life track.

| see through something, can better forward, the strong always like to challenge yourself.

| in the face of difficulties, pressure becomes motivation, dare to challenge yourself.

| Success comes from daring to challenge.

| As long as you dare to challenge, success is not far from you.

| Youth is always full of challenges and dangers.

| When the challenge comes, you must stick to it. As long as you stick to it, there is no difficulty.

| The joy, excitement and pride after the success of the challenge are beyond words.

| Reach the peak and challenge the limit.

| Don't always stare at your weaknesses, but think more about your strengths, which is actually quite good.

| You are not alone in the face of challenges.

| Be confident, have the courage to challenge yourself and have the ability to win the future.

| 生活中有那么多的只想让我们逃避,不想面对的事,可逃避无用,只有勇敢面对。

| 今天起,不再自欺欺人,不再苦苦哀求,勇敢放手,勇敢面对,勇敢的活下去。

| 环境越是困难,精神越能发奋努力。――郭沫若

| 自私自利之心,是立人达人之障。――吕坤

| 不尊重别人的人,别人也不会尊重他。――席勒

| 没有比害怕本身更害怕的了。――培根

| 危难是生命的试金石。――希罗科夫

| 事业是理念和实践的生动统一。――亚里士多德

| 意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。――拉罗什夫利

| 信念是有益的,但它不具有真理性。――阿米尔

| 烈火见真金,逆境出英雄。――塞内加

| 失真诚是一种心灵的开放。――拉罗什富科

| 如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。――塞涅卡

| 改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难。――鲁迅

| 人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。――贝蒂

| 大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。――雨果

| 美丽庄严强大,这里有活跃的人生。――王统照

| 生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。――海涅

| 生命不等于是呼吸,生命是活动。――卢梭

| 以勇敢的胸膛面对逆境。――贺拉斯

| 生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。――张闻天

| 尊重别人,才能让人尊敬。――笛卡尔

| 自我控制是最强者的本能。――萧伯纳

| 无畏的气概可去这避难。――普劳图斯

| 自信是成功的第一秘诀。――爱默生

| 尊重别人的人不应该谈自己。――高尔基

| 苦难是人生的老师。――巴尔扎克

| 只有信念使快乐真实。――蒙田

| 虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。――泰戈尔

| 百日莫空过,青春不再来。――拜伦

| 生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。――狄斯累利

| 只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。――海伦凯勒

| 应该笑着面对生活,不管一切如何。――伏契克

| 放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他。――莎士比亚

| 谁经历的苦难多,谁懂得的东西也就多。――荷马

| 逆运不就是性格的试金石吗?――巴尔扎克

| 真话说一半常是弥天大谎。――富兰克林

| 怯弱是出卖我们灵魂的叛徒。――泰戈尔

| 当信用消失的时候,肉体就没有生命。――大仲马

| 冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?――雪莱

| 不是不能见义,怕的是见义而不勇为。――谢觉哉

| 走自己的路,叫别人去说吧。――但丁

| 你怕狼,就别到树林里去。――列宁

| 话可以收回,但人生不可能这样。――席勒

| 好动与不满足是进步的第一必需品。――爱迪生

| 信念!有信念的人经得起任何风暴。――奥维德

| 火以炼金,逆境磨炼人。――辛尼加

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