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发布时间:2022-05-01 21:53:47

| 这是一次非常重要的会议,而我当时没有意识到这一点

| there were only a limited number of posts ,so most of the people interviewed had to be turned down

| 这幅画不及我们昨天在博物馆看到的那幅

| 开始的时候,来自中国南方的学生认为自己不能适应这里的寒冷天气

| 我一直在注意,我以前可能忽略了的错误是

| the poor mother set her mind on keeping the secret all her life

| she said that I should stop ,once and for all ,telephoning her late at night

| the people at large want peace .however ,a small proportion of the people intend to wage wars among nations for one reason or another

| 比尔将竭尽全力阻止迪克跟玛丽的约会

| you must pick up the pieces of your political defeat ,and start working towards the next election

| 房间里挤满了人以致于我们无法进入

| 大多数父母对孩子们期望过高,这使孩子们压力很大

| 孤独的老人没有朋友或熟人,他也不想交朋友

| 老教授为你昨天在会上所说的话而生气

| I hope you can come up with a better plan than the one discussed at the meeting yesterday

| he has known ,all along ,that his failure in the exam is due to his laziness

| to tell the truth ,I’m proud of him rising up from a laborer to a top job

| 如果一切按预定计划进行,我们两周后回来

| 我若将来去那儿,也是为了见你

| I shall put an experienced teacher in charge of that class ,to bring the children under control

| on our way home ,we took shelter from the rain in an old barn

| 婴儿只要听到妈妈的呼唤就会转向她

| it’s natural that young people often desire to escape from their parents

| 今年夏天不去欧洲的话,你想去哪里?

| will you please take care of buying sweets for tonight’s party

| 总统一直不知道发生了什么事

| the soldiers had to struggle to move through the area ,because the bad weather there could make the road impassable

| 5000米比赛中,那个看似很瘦的女孩在第10圈开始领先

| there threatened to turn the machine off if the creator made any more trouble with it

| the thief stole my money ,made for the door and tried to run away

| 他问发言人一般民众是否赞成政府的政策

| 很抱歉我不能亲自处理这件事,我正忙于准备去美国

| 在未得到相反的证据前,我会继续相信它

| 说得婉转些,在讨论这个问题时,主席的行为不很明显

| 和他父亲的争吵导致他母亲离开了家

| 我们没有发给你邀请函,因为我们理所当然地认为你会来

| he bought a house in the country for the sake of his wife’s health

| 我们开了个会,会议的目的完全不清楚

| don’t you fear for their safety travel in the desert in such bad weather

| Bank staff are to be given more training to help them deal with armed robber

| 正在演讲的老人毕生致力于科学事业

| be sure to put out all fiees before you leave the camping ground

| 无论生活如何忙碌,你都能够继续进修

| the likely reactions of the market would need to be reflected on before we acted

| Most children are tired of their parents telling them what to do all the time

| It was said that he signed the document under great pressure

| As soon as joe’s work has gone through ,he is going to marry alice

| she would like to go back to teaching but she’s out of touch with her subject now

| Today ,many children cannot boil eggs ,much less cook dinner for their parents

| watch out that you don’t catch a cold going out in the pouring rain

| I wouldn’t trust him any further than I could see him ,he associates with all sorts of undesirable characters

| 万一出现这种情况,礼堂进行必要的修缮后再使用

| his left leg was badly hurt ,so he broke a branch off a tree and used it as a walking stick

| there is a dark lake at the foot of the mountain ,whose depth has never been measured

| a trained dog can act as a guide to blind persons ,especially when they are crossing the street

| 我想你不该对别人的困难幸灾乐祸

| he was so absorbed in his research work that we dared not disturb him

| 从电影中我们得得知这个小男孩和他的父亲一直就合不来

| we have never met with such poor service before ,so we decide to complain about it

| 万一遇到雨雪天气,聚会就该在室内举行

| Her question was not related to the matter at hand

| at first the young man refused to help the sick child but we finally won him over

| 学生们所做出的努力最终会有好结果的

| let’s stick with the present arrangements until a better plan is thought of

| 我的孩子想住在城市里,而我自己则宁愿住在农村

| the fact that he is guilty of a serious mistake should not be ignored

| don’t plan on my going with you ,for I expect to be busy this weekend

| it snowed heavily last night ,thus causing the traffic problems today

| 这场罢工,再加上洪水泛滥,可能使食品供应量大幅下降

| jane is a nice girl .her behavior at the party was out of character

| take this medicine regularly ;it will protect you from a return of the illness

| 别把那些玩具丢在地板上,把它们拣起来

| 那时候,我们的孩子连中学都上不起,更不用说上大学了

| 大卫的妻子在外面工作,他很乐意承担所有的家务活

| 表面上看来,这似乎是个很难的问题,但是实际上有个容易的解决办法

| as we all know ,this kind of material we are testing can stand up to very high temperatures

| after reflecting on the peoblem ,he decided to make a detailed plan

| That prevents people from taking all the factors into consideration

| nicole kidman picked up the oscar for best actress after her divorce

| 这个外国教练听到这个坏消息大发雷霆

| it’s a good piece of work ,apart from a few slight faults

| the cheerful children were divided into four age groups

| in such an event ,the hall won’t used until necessary repairs have been carried out

| he was miserable unless he had neighbors with whom to quarrel

| 容易理解的是,不习惯于在环境里生活可能会产生不满情绪

| if only you hadn’t told Jackie what I said ,everything would have been all right

| the doctor says that the man should take on much less heavy work

| 遗憾的是并非所有人在与陌生人交往时都感到自在

| 很遗憾,他们在回去的路上遇到了车祸

| 我相信它终究会证明他是你最好的朋友

| it was dangerous to cross the atlantic ocean alone ,but he was determined to have a try

| 当有人公开反对他的看法时,他很容易动怒

| 那就是肉眼看不见其微小不见的新机器

| what does it matter whether I make my way in life or not

| 如果当初他听我的话,他现在或许已经成了富翁

| on no account are visitors allowed to feed the tigers and linos

| 比较起来,这件裙子比我们昨天买的确实便宜

| the doctor ordered that the patients be put to bed very early

| 女孩往身后看以确定没有人跟着她

| 见到雪我很兴奋,全然不顾寒冷

| 我想今天不会下雨,可你最好还是保险点,带件雨衣

| fortunately jones and his new son-in-law hit it off from the very beginning

| 保罗来得正式时候,不早也不晚

| 期末考试很难,但是如果努力学习,大多数学生是可以通过的

| you may use the room as you like ,as long as you clean it up afterward

| 我很久以来就有一种想法,必须采取切实措施解决污染问题

| 两个男孩在教室后面谈话,但老师没有注意到他们

| 她申请去一家公司工作,但被拒绝了

| 该国每一个儿童都享有免费上学接受教育的权利

| this is where the mistakes easily come in ,so you should be more careful

| people should be told what to do in the face of all kinds of dangers

| if the city is out of control ,the mayor will certainly leave his office

| the hero who had been seriously ill for a long time was worthy of help from everyone in the society

| tom was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp

| two women had their handbags taken away quickly by passing drivers as the women walked along the road in broad daylight

| the browns didn’t go to the fair .small wonder ,they dislike large ,noisy crowds

| 你们必须尽快拿出解决问题的办法

| 我怎样才能驱散内心的悲痛呢?

| it occurred to me that she might have forgotten the date

| the teacher is angry that so little notice is taken of these warning

| he likes to write poems in his free time ,and a taste for poetry runs in the family

| think that I paid £30 for that dress when I could have got the same one for £20

| can a writer remain indifferent to the problems of the world in which he lives

| 这位贫苦农民,尽管终年劳累,还是无力送孩子上学

| 他把帽子拉下来罩在脸上遮太阳

| 她很想和一个比她大得多的人结婚,可她的母亲说什么也不同意

| such men have made great for developing oil businesses

| 你必须在11点前回家,记住这点,鲍勃

| 你要有足够的勇气来经受那样的事情

| 好老师不能用这种方法来对付那些学习不努力的孩子

| salary will be determined according to your performance and work experience

| 只要你们远离毒品,就会安然无恙

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