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发布时间:2022-05-01 21:40:41

| 艾利斯·波德·瑞德:到今天我还不知道那两个意大利娘 们在唱些什么,其实,我也不想知道。有些东西还是留着不 说为妙。我想她们该是在唱一些非常美妙动人的故事,美妙 得难以用言语来表达,美妙的让你心痛。告诉你吧,这些声 音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦还要遥远。就像一 些美丽的鸟儿扑扇着翅膀来到我们褐色牢笼,让那些墙壁消 失得无影无踪。就在那一刹那,肖申克监狱的每一个人都感 到了

| Charlotte:The naive deserve two things,swindling and scorn. 夏洛特:天真的人会遭受两件事,欺骗和轻蔑。

| To succeed,a revolution requires absolute dedication against overwhelming odds.At a moment?s notice,the tide can turn.And every casualty stokes

| When facing your enemy,no amount of training can trump nature.It separates the strong from the weak.And sometimes it tell us that surrender is the strongest move of all.

| 974 我能去哪里 Where can I go?

| 506 贾维斯是第一道防御网 Jarvis was the first line of defense,

| 993 所以我们就可以消失 So we disappear?

| 32 让他们来就是干这个的 It's what they signed up for.

| 28 我们马上就要到突破口了 We're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.

| 467 但我已经准备好了 But I'm ready.

| 1190 就像上帝向它扔了一块石头 God throws a stone at it,

| 271 他需要奥创 it needs Ultron.

| 439 还有谁能有他的指纹 finger prints is I think the literal translation.

| 697 人类的生命 不是成长型市场 Human life. Not a growth market.

| 1279 有谁能听见我说话吗 Anyone on comms?

| 259 我想把这个申请入奥创计划 I wanna apply this to the Ultron program,

| 384 或者说他 他对你做了什么事让你这么着迷 Or did he, was he, what did he do that's so wrong to you?

| 1348 这个框架是不兼容 This framework is not compatible.

| 我们有一个盟友了 -那奥创又有一个敌人了 - We have an ally? - Ultron's got an enemy.

| 1140 很显然 她一直就是你的 She's all yours, apparently.

| 178 文件上说 他们是斯特拉克实验的志愿者 File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments.

| 至少你对于我来说不是一个威胁 - 你确定 - You're not a threat to me. - You sure?

| 1387 你们认为我是奥创的孩子吗 You think I'm a child of Ultron.

| 754 我知道你曾经遭受苦难 I know you've suffered.

| 224 你也许能认得出来 you may recognize.

| 910 很糟糕 是吗 It's bad, right?

| 610 在爆炸中你失去了你的父母 You lost your parents in the bombings,

| 10742 哦 吾儿 Oh, junior.

| 645 是马克西莫夫 Maximoffs.

| 858 要不然我没有其他的消息能提供了 I don't have a lot else to offer.

| 640 经常有铁人 或者人的报道 他们进来把实验室席卷一空 Reports of metal man, or men, coming in and emptying the place.

| 1051 你搞过很多很棒的创意 托尼 You've come up with some pretty impressive inventions, Tony.

| 10843 这也太直观了 给我点帮助吧 That's comprehensive, show me something.

| 10832 后入式吗 In the back!

| 994 托尔没有说他会去哪里寻找答案吗 Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?

| 1124 神盾局从没 And Shield never even...

| 我们能搞定他们吗 - 他们可是复仇者啊 - Can we hold them? - They're the Avengers!!

| 114 兄弟们 我抓到斯特拉克了 Guys, I got Strucker.

| 642 只有在开战的时候 Only when engaged,

| 1326 说我们是疯狂的科学家 We're mad scientists.

| 1323 上次灾难就从这里开始的 this is exactly where it all went wrong.

| 1062 我需要你的帮助 I need your help.

| 995 有时候我的队友不告诉我这些 Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things.

| 686 短程热源追踪器但是得到了一船废铁 heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts.

| 决不投降 - 绝不投降 - No surrender! - No surrender.

| 1228 我得试着让他一直这样 I'm gonna try and keep him that way.

| 86 哨兵模式 Sentry mode.

| 1277 斯塔克 在吗 Stark, come in.

| 1398 那么这些就比不上宝石创造的他 And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash.

| 250 我们的工作就是假设 Our job is if.

| 998 我们并不知道马克西莫夫都让他看了什么 We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him.

| 731 我才不是 I am not.

| 10886 不在神盾局的档案记录里 Kept it off Shield's files, like to keep it that way

| 1257 别这么做行吗 Please don't do this.

| 1016 每一次 Every time.

| 1171 我不想称为梦 I wouldn''t call it dreams.

| 43 当冲突结束之后 我们会通知你们 and will inform you when this current conflict is resolved.

| 298 我是一个维护和平的程序 I'm a peace keeping program.

| 1176 我们在读取大脑信息,可没有捷径 We''re imprinting a physical brain, there are no shortcuts.

| 227 现在他却经营着一家钢铁军团 Now he runs an Iron Legion.

| 839 所有人都出去 Everybody out.

| 533 不 不好意思 不好意思打断了你 No, I am sorry, I am sorry,

| 638 它无处不在 He's all over the globe,

| 那将会影响到整个团队 - That would affect the team.

| 181 科学家在他们身上做实验来保家卫国啊 scientist experiment on them to protect their country.

| 1363 皮特洛 Pietro!

| 1126 他们确用它来做飞盘。 and they used it to make a frisbee.

| 338 是啊 她们一定很忙 Yeah, they must be busy because

| 215 你笨重的金属盔甲会被留在沙漠里 Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust.

| 10901 如果他们要在这休息 有些人就得住一起了 If they're sleeping here, some of them will have to double up.

| 1255 你觉得我得怎么拿这玩意 How do you want me to take it?

| 134 还有扭伤的三角肌的故事和痛风 and tales of sprained deltoids and gout.

| 339 她们可不喜欢想念你们这些成天聚在一起 they'd hate missing you guys get together.

| 1344 你伤了我的心 You've wounded me.

| 1170 他正在做梦 He's dreaming.

| 1351 我只说一次 I'm gonna say this once.

| 207 哦 他不行了 到时间去见阎王了是吗 Oh, he's flat-lining, call it, time?

| 634 你和我能伤害他们 You and I can hurt them,

| 33 我的人能拖住他们 My men can hold them.

| 一个小伙让我做错了决定 Fella done me wrong.

| 1122 仅仅组织细胞相容 just compatible with the tissue cells...

| 514 我的词足以描述你了斯塔克 I have more than enough words to describe you stark.

| 1030 她从不为你工作吗 Was she ever not working for you?

| 862 你如果想打个盹 现在是个好时机 If you wanna get some kip now's a good time

| 253 不用去想什么维罗妮卡 Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica.

| 824 我呼叫维罗妮卡吧 I'm calling in Veronica.

| 800 你是个毁灭者 奥丁之子 You are a destroyer, Odin-son.

| 217 还有 希尔和我期待在周六的派对上见到你 And Hill and I expect to see you at the party on Saturday.

| 820 哦 可不能这样 Oh that's not gonna happen.

| 327 哎 佩珀不在 她没来吗 So, no Pepper, she's not coming?

| 965 我想是你太为难自己了 I think you're being hard on yourself.

| 448 你们都是杀手 You're all killers.

| 75 我可以掩护巴顿上飞艇 撤退的越早越好 I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better.

| 1359 没有事情能和接下来要发生的相提并论 It's nothing compared to what's coming.

| 614 当时我们才十岁 一家四口人正在吃晚饭 We're 10 years old, having dinner, the four of us,

| 1129 看透本质 to look within.

| 861 不用 我可以 No, I'm good.

| 430 寡妇试试 And Widow?

| 517 线索在大概一百英里的地方断了 但可以看出他们向北走了 Trail went cold about a hundred miles out, though it's headed north.

| 752 你们俩个可以离开这里了 You two can still walk away from this.

| 328 还有简呢 妞儿们都在哪呢 What about Jane, where are the ladies, gentlemen?

| 735 我很抱歉 I'm sorry.

| 346 不 我其实不是真觉得遗憾 No, I'm not actually sorry.

| 222 你知道我们正纳闷为什么斯特拉克能发明这么多东西 you see we were wondering how Strucker got so inventive.

| 你们听到了吗 - 收到 - Do you guys copy that? - I did.

| 1103 表态吧 So stand.

| 825 我们需要支援 We need back-up.

| 1234 我就是觉得不太舒服 I wouldn't call it a comfort.

| 1208 真正的力量在再生摇篮里 The real power is inside the cradle.

| 154 你同意吗 Is that cool with you?

| 345 我肯定会叫上你 I absolutely would have called.

| 350 你们的世界很疯狂 Your world is crazy.

| 11222 我可以干掉驾驶员 I can take out the driver.

| 709 让我看到一个巨大的墨鱼 and make me see a giant cuttlefish,

| 348 我很满意追查失踪案件无用线索的工作 Very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case.

| 175 还有控制 and manipulation.

| 425 你有在拉吗 Are you even pulling?

| 992 你现在仍然认为你是团队里唯一的怪物吗 You still think you're the only monster on the team?

| 10884 但是我们之前不敢相信你们是真实存在 but we were busy having no idea that you existed.

| 1370 谢谢你 Thank you.

| 1396 她的能力 在我们脑海里的恐惧 奥创他自己 Her powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself...

| 1005 你知道奥创正在试图瓦解我们 对吗 You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?

| 1385 来创造点新东西 to create something new.

| 1084 被谁 By whom?

| 1269 我没事 I'm fine.

| 245 我认为奥创只是一个幻想罢了 I thought Ultron was a fantasy.

| 173 他的新陈代谢加快了人体热平衡也得到了改良 He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis.

| 882 很抱歉打扰你们 Sorry for barging in on you.

| 239 在斯特拉克的实验室里 我看到一些相当先进的机器人工程 Down at Strucker's lab I saw some fairly advanced robotics work.

| 1386 我认为我已经充满了新鲜事物 I think I've had my fill of new.

| 1150 在每个角落 都有反射 In every realm it has a reflection.

| 1307 直到我把它重新拼凑完整他才知道他在那里 He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together.

| 1357 我可以不费吹灰之力灭了你 I can choke the life out of you and never change a shade.

| 159 八九不离十 这东西能终结奇瑞塔和九头蛇 所以 Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra. So...

| 329 噢 佩珀女士有了她自己的公司 Oh, Miss Potts has a company of her own.

| 1322 我又想起了以前 I'm caught in a time loop,

| 29 那就让他们见识一下我们的厉害 Then lets show them what we've accomplished.

| 838 别这样 布鲁斯 你得配合我 Come on, Bruce. You gotta work with me.

| 603 让他们成为殉难者 And make them martyrs?!

| 1141 你要做什么 What are you gonna do?

| 942 接下来的我 is the next me.

| 535 你并不知道我们为什么需要它 It is a hoot that you don't get why we need this.

| 他会到处跑 - 拜托说话就行别动手 - It's going around. - Come on use your words buddy.

| 1087 那不能混为一谈 That's not the same thing.

| 360 存酒的木桶是用布希尔德战船残骸造的 the barrels built from the wreck of Brunnhilde's fleet.

| 而且他和我们一起 - 他和我们是一伙的吗

| 578 和平年代的人们创造战争机器 Men of peace create engines of war,

| 778 谁在那里 快走 Who's ever standing, gotta move.

| 822 队伍整个都垮了 The whole team is down,

| 67 在北边塔楼上的通道里 There's a passageway above the north tower.

| 169 十岁时因炮弹轰塌了他们的公寓大楼而变成了孤儿 Orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building.

| 530 是的 是的 这非常糟 It's, it is, it's so terrible.

| 534 太好笑的 it is funny.

| 1394 再试一次 Look again.

| 787 准备好和我跳支舞了吗 Are you ready for our dance?

| 1184 如果他们不呢 And if they don't?

| 1018 史塔克先生 Mr. Stark.

| 1231 你知道再生摇篮里有什么吗 You know what's in that cradle?

| 1000 好像你走了也没问题一样 Seems like you walked away alright.

| 139 告诉她准备好所有东西 Tell her to prep everything,

| 1101 他的使命是毁灭世界 his mission is global destruction.

| 10167 那两个变种人呢 The two enhanced?

| 335 这相当令人感到兴奋 It's pretty exciting.

| 389 你和罗曼诺夫 You and Romanov.

| 952 我早该去的 I should've joined you.

| 682 地球上最坚硬的金属 The strongest metal on earth.

| 84 谈话很愉快 It was a good talk.

| 10840 画面太美我不敢看 It's going to get ugly.

| 877 你们两个怎么样 How you guys doing?

| 1143 我一回来就去铺完这阳光房 I'll finish reflooring the sun room as soon as I get back.

| 400 也许这个世界都主张漫长的等待 as maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long...

| 1077 我向我们在乐克瑟斯上的朋友这件事 Well I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that.

| 11302 奥创并没有追杀贾维斯因为他很生气 Ultron didn't go after Jarvis because he was angry.

| 1207 上传到哪了 Where?

| 你在那干他妈啥呢 - What the hell are you doing?

| 1384 我们重新配置了贾维斯的矩阵 We reconfigured Jarvis' matrix

| 566 这很不错 I like that,

| 1046 那女孩马克西莫夫 她在对你捣鬼 The Maximoff girl, she's working you Stark.

| 137 她在你的实验室里开工你没意见吧 is it okay if she sets up in your lab?

| 1321 这个场面似曾相识 I'm in a loop.

| 1415 他很独特 He's unique.

| 860 嘿 想要换班吗 Hey, wanna switch out?

| 516 有军团的消息吗 The Legionnaire?

| 1083 但是密码是持续不断变更的 But the code is constantly being changed.

| 951 我热水用完了 I used up all the hot water.

| 650 巴顿 可能发现了什么 Barton, might have something.

| 443 你们都配不上 You are all not worthy.

| 687 现在 你必须想办法把它弄好 Now, you will make it right,

| 1057 最糟糕的部分 The worst part...

| 306 东西太多了 This is too much.

| 379 他也是一个大笨蛋 He's also a huge dork.

| 131 地狱的大门充满了牺牲品的尖叫声 The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims.

| 34 长官 城市受到攻击了 Sir, the city is taking fire.

| 1392 我进入过你的大脑 I looked in your head...

| 213 那我可搞不定哦 That, I can't fix.

| 288 你是人类 You're human.

| 164 并且让每个人看起来都更酷的一个角色 and make everyone look cooler.

| 22 他们降落在远处的树林里 那附近的警卫们惊慌失措 They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.

| 1361 不 不 齐活了 No, no, it's alright.

| 贾维斯 - 博士 - Jarvis? - Doctor.

| 啊 好 她认识路 - 谢谢了 - Ah yeah, she knows her way around. - Thanks.

| 464 在这个身体里 In the flesh.

| 74 克林特伤的很重 伙计们 我们得撤了 Clint's hit pretty bad, guys, we're gonna need evac.

| 810 我还能撑住 I'm alright,

| 1080 每个字节的数据都会流经那里 它是全球速度最快的互联网通道 Every byte of data flows through there, fastest access on earth.

| 130 索尔 告诉浩克他都干了些什么 Thor, report on the hulk.

| 911 娜塔莎看起来确实被吓坏了 Nat seemed really shaken.

| 690 我们说到哪里了 where were we,

| 10773 还好 我足够强大 Fortunately, I am mighty.

| 1035 你不是我的首领 You're not the director of me.

| 1254 你准备好就行了 我现在把东西给你送去 Just be ready, I'm sending the package to you.

| 958 你就假设我必须呆在这里好了 You assume that I have to stay?

| 970 如果你同意 If running is the plan...

| 904 他俩在一起多久了 How long has that been going on?

| 707 我看过一个纪录片 很恐怖的 I saw a documentary... terrifying.

| 95 我在检测钢筋 I'm reading steel reinforcement,

| 210 你还是你 巴顿先生 You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton.

| 1434 假使只有一个机器人小兵活着 我们也失败了 If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost.

| 988 少了一件需要担心的事 One less thing to worry about.

| 1236 准备好了吗 4 3 Got a window, four, three...

| 97 拜托一定要是暗门 Please be a secret door.

| 637 从内部 from the inside.

| 1166 但我们可以先读取你的意识 but we can initiate the consciousness stream.

| 556 一起 Together.

| 580 人创造 people create...

| 561 世界太大了怎么找 The world is a big place,

| 527 这可能不好笑 是吗 It's probably not, right?

| 10819 娜塔莎 我真要唱摇篮曲了 Natasha, I could really use a lullaby.

| 爸爸 - 嗨 甜心 嘿 儿子 - Dad! - Hi sweet heart, hey buddy.

| 684 不要告诉我你迟到了 Don't tell me you're late,

| 155 离欢送会只有几天了 It's just a few days till the fair-well party.

| 359 看这 这酒存了一千年了 See this, this is aged for a thousand years,

| 573 这就是为什么你让斯塔克拿走了权杖 that's why you let Stark take the scepter.

| 391 没事 没人打破了什么规定 It's okay, nobody is breaking any bylaws.

| 184 他怎么样了 How's he doing?

| 689 好了 首相 Now, Minister,

| 1343 因为你 他们却只能看到恐惧 Instead they'll look up in horror because of you.

| 1280 奥创分不清 Ultron can't tell the difference

| 50 你把所有的东西都删了 You delete everything.

| 1048 她没耍手段 只是让我自己看 I wasn't tricked, I was shown.

| 1225 不 不行 No, no.

| 216 计划正是这样的 That is exactly the plan.

| 你是他的小机器人吗 - 什么 - You're one of his? - What?

| 1120 真是太棒了 It's beautiful.

| 65 贾维斯 我怎么才能关闭它 Jarvis, am I... closing in?

| 10906 你太可爱了 You are so cute.

| 743 你真是让老爸的心都碎了 You're gonna break your old man's heart.

| 829 你比她更强大 比她更聪明 you're stronger than her, you're smarter than her...

| 441 那是一个非常 非常有趣的理论 that's a very, very interesting theory.

| 1262 队长 看到娜塔莎了吗 Cap, see Nat?

| 356 我当时就想说 傻逼 你找这个呢 I'm like Boom, you looking for this?

| 1213 我先得找到它 First I have to find it.

| 863 因为我们还得飞好几个小时呢 cause we're still a few hours out.

| 复仇者联盟无法击败奥创 - 不能单打独斗了 - The Avengers can not defeat Ultron. - Not alone.

| 462 我看到一副笼罩着世界的盔甲 I see a suit of armor around the world.

| 1275 你知不知道你在说什么 斯塔克不是疯子 You don't know what you're talking about, Stark's not crazy.

| 887 我觉得这是个藏身的好地方 I figured it's a good place to lay low.

| 127 并不是我想听的 isn't exactly what I wanna hear.

| 226 开始的时候 贾维斯只是个自然语言交互界面 Started out, Jarvis was just a natural language UI.

| 9 斯特拉克的科技水平 Strucker's technology is

| 10769 伙计们 这是变身的节奏吗 Guys, is this a code green?

| 76 你和斯塔克去把权杖夺回来 You and Stark secure the scepter.

| 730 我不是 I'm not...

| 1217 没有登记 No manifest.

| 330 是啊 我现在还不确定简在哪个国家 Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in.

| 10813 我想要那个大块头大开杀戒 I want the big one.

| 1210 它的力量是无法控制的 it's power is uncontainable.

| 282 这是什么地方 What is this place?

| 1256 呃 你可能会后悔问这个问题 Hmm, you might have wished you hadn't asked that.

| 793 醒醒吧 Wake up!

| 657 它专门为我们在犯罪现场涂鸦摆 pose And he did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us.

| 10746 显而易见 你从未做过煎蛋卷 Clearly you've never made an omelet.

| 458 他是一个好人 你杀了谁 He was a good guy. - You killed someone?

| 1044 我尚未准备好 I wasn't ready.

| 1092 但我希望当我看见你时,你比现在拥有更多 but I was kinda hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that.

| 272 我们这个时代里的和平 Peace in our time.

| 290 我只是一个程序 没有形体 I am a program. I'm without form.

| 284 你是奥创 You are Ultron.

| 7 贾维斯 从上面看状况如何 Jarvis what's the view from upstairs.

| 83 伙计们 停下来 我们来谈谈 Guys, stop, we gotta talk this through.

| 602 所有人的计划 难道不是杀了他们 Everyone's plan, is not to kill them?

| 710 那么我就知道你也就这点水平了 then I know you don't do business,

| 49 我要投降了 I'm going to surrender.

| 654 这是什么 What's this?

| 465 或者不在 Or no, not yet.

| 我希望你能明白 - 娜塔莎 - I want you to understand that... - Natasha.

| 248 申请进入我的钢铁军团协定 apply it to my Iron Legion protocol.

| 944 但不能造出一个有血有肉的躯体 It can't build a living body.

| 168 是旺达和皮特罗·马克西莫夫 他们是双胞胎

| 1033 我们谈谈你有什么鸟用如何 So how about we skip to the part where you're useful.

| 623 离我们的就 3 英尺 3 feet from our faces,

| 1082 他迷上了导弹 He's fixated on the missiles.

| 77 知道了 Copy that.

| 857 除非我们找到奥创 Until we can find Ultron...

| 1004 我就说你从来没有见过好了 lets just say you haven't seen it yet.

| 1407 那他在等什么 What's he waiting for?

| 228 除了佩珀 就数他经营的业务最多了 He runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper.

| 1258 我们还有别的选择吗 What choice do we have?

| 157 嗯 胜利当然应该荣耀的狂欢咯 Yes, yes of course victory should be honored with revels.

| 520 基因来自于那个能量盒 The genie is out of that bottle.

| 1264 你看到娜塔莎了吗 Do you have eyes on Nat?

| 415 我怎么会不知怎样处理 I still don't know how you do it?

| 1121 振金原子并不 The Vibranium atoms aren't

| 一种强大的力量 - 就像反应堆吗 - Something powerful. - Like a reactor?

| 531 所有这些都能被避免的 This could have been avoided if you hadn't

| 1212 你必须把再生摇篮带给斯塔克 You have to get the cradle to Stark.

| 1281 何是拯救世界 何是毁灭世界 between saving the world and destroying it.

| 378 听起来真让人惊讶 Sounds amazing.

| 639 机器实验室 武器库 喷气推进实验室 robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs.

| 1011 这难道不是一个使命 Isn't that the mission?

| 943 再生摇篮可以创造组织 The regeneration cradle prints tissue.

| 1031 对于人工智能 你甚至从来都不犹豫 Artificial intelligence. You never even hesitated.

| 469 什么任务 What mission?

| 1038 谁会去特别在意你呢 who cares very much about you.

| 644 最糟的恐惧还有些看不清的东西 worst fears and something too fast to see.

| 69 搞定了 伙计们 Drawbridge is down, people.

| 1058 是你并不这么认为 is that you didn't.

| 562 那就把世界变小点儿 start making it smaller.

| 1304 感到害怕 of what he can do.

| 922 那些神 those Gods.

| 1136 一个机器人由另一个机器人设计 An android designed by a robot.

| 946 但你缺少材料 You lack the material.

| 300 你出故障了 如果把你关闭一会 You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment...

| 552 我们每天都能操爆那些武装部队 we can bust arms dealers all the live long day,

| 203 结合完成后就连他的细胞也辨别不出来 His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum.

| 198 像是个电脑 我觉得我破解了它的代码 Like a computer, I believe I decipher the code.

| 1327 我们是怪物 伙计 We are monsters, buddy.

| 218 不像你 我没有时间去参加派对 Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties.

| 1233 并且那让你觉得害怕了 And that terrifies you.

| 507 他本想把奥创关掉 这说的通 he would have shut Ultron down, it makes sense.

| 294 斯塔克先生 Mr. Stark?

| 班纳和我正在做一项研究 - Banner and I were doing research...

| 10745 所有人什么都不用打碎 Nobody has to break anything.

| 505 这台疯狂了 This is insane.

| 486 这些傀儡 these puppets.

| 25 把其余的坦克都部署过去 集中火力攻击其中较弱的一个 Deploy the rest of the tanks. Concentrate fire on the weak ones.

| 525 你觉得这很好笑 You think this is funny?

| 550 我们就站在它下边 300 英尺的地方 We're standing 300 feet below it.

| 1078 乐克瑟斯 Nexus?

| 122 嘿 摇篮曲比以往更管用啊 Hey, the lullaby worked better than ever.

| 920 我特别自豪 I couldn't be prouder.

| 10136 赵博士正从首尔赶过来 Dr. Cho is on her way in from Seoul,

| 524 为什么这个程序想杀了我们 Why is it trying to kill us?

| 1123 而是与细胞融为一体 They're binding them.

| 577 人们总是发明些自己所害怕的东西 Everyone creates the thing they dread.

| 1036 我的确不是任何人的首领 I'm not the director of anybody.

| 153 在它被送回阿斯加德之前 the once-over before it goes back to Asgard.

| 821 暂时不行 Not for a while.

| 70 变种人吗 The enhanced?

| 1194 那谁来决定谁是弱者呢 And who decides who's weak?

| 523 你设计了这个程序 You built this program.

| 10732 你认为我是斯塔克控制的傀儡 那些空壳子的一员吗 You think I'm one of Stark's puppets... his hollow men

| 491 我们所有的工作都白费了 All our work is gone.

| 799 你看不到吗 Can you not see it?

| 310 如果你允许我和斯塔克联系 If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark.

| 1260 娜塔莎 得走了 Nat, got to go.

| 883 是啊 我们本应提前打个招呼 Yeah we would've called ahead

| 289 你的身体在哪里 Where is your body?

| 1106 你知道什么 黑寡妇 You know what, Romanoff?

| 1191 相信我 上帝是在清理地球 and believe me he's winding up.

| 10108 你会提到我是怎么配合你的 希望我没错 You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.

| 1266 该死的 Damn it!

| 161 实验室都准备好了 老大 Lab's all set up boss.

| 398 不像刚才那样 this ain't that.

| 349 复仇战斗是你们的世界 Avenging is your world.

| 1039 我是一个杀了复仇者的人 And I'm the man who killed the Avengers.

| 636 会粉碎他们的联盟 will tear them apart...

| 172 他们的能力 Their abilities?

| 518 权杖在他手里 It has the scepter.

| 875 哦 他们来了 Oh incoming.

| 1353 不 这不可能 No, not gonna happen.

| 576 我知道这可以控制他,让他自我毁灭 I knew it would could control him, make him self-destruct.

| 557 我们会输的 We'll lose.

| 1239 我们正在赶往立交桥 我没受伤 We're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot.

| 1175 我不爱出风头。 I''m not being pushy.

| 782 只有会被摧毁的那一个 Only the breakable ones.

| 1411 如果我们看错你了 If we're wrong about you,

| 1134 他将会比我们其中任何一个都要强大 He'll be more powerful than any of us.

| 798 我们都要死 We are all dead.

| 128 要多久你才会相信我 How long before you trust me?

| 740 我就是这样的人 It's a thing with me,

| 872 这是某个特工 This is an agent of some kind.

| 1152 并且发现我错过了什么 and find what I missed.

| 241 我猜他在研究一样非常特别的东西 I got to guess he was knocking on a very particular door.

| 1137 你知道 我真的很怀念从前 You know, I really miss the days when the

| 502 他还说他杀了个人 He also said he killed somebody.

| 351 即便简陋贫寒 Be it ever so humble.

| 269 我见过更冰冷的 I've seen colder.

| 1093 确实 我有你 I do, I have you.

| 509 奥创可能复制了贾维斯 Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis,

| 355 我带着这个坦克飞到将军府上方 我把它丢到他跟前 I fly it right up to the general's palace, I drop it at his feet.

| 1259 他跑了 他去追你了 I lost him, he's heading your way.

| 1085 联盟的人都不知道 Parties unknown.

| 403 你说的我快了是什么意思 What do you mean up close?

| 1034 看着我的眼睛告诉我会闭嘴 Look me in the eye and tell me you're going to shut him down.

| 200 假装我们不能没有这个人 还真的让我们团队团结了不少 Pretending we need this guy really brings the team together.

| 4 我们遭到攻击 We are under attack.

| 711 至于你也不是那个管事的 and I know you're not in charge.

| 964 我只是一个他们培养成的杀手 that I wasn't anything more than the assassin they made me.

| 1053 看着我的朋友们相继死去 Watch my friends die,

| 437 这手柄上有花纹 是吗 就像一个安全密码 The handle is imprinted, right, like a security code?

| 340 充满雄性激素的家伙 Testosterone.

| 438 我认为索尔其实在问 Who so ever is carrying Thor's

| 1040 我看到了 I saw it.

| 1164 灭绝 Extinction.

| 326 那当然 Quality save.

| 1041 我不告诉我的伙伴们 我怎么能这样做 I didn't tell the team, how could I?

| 63 我们真的得进去了 We really need to get inside.

| 291 这感觉真奇怪 This feels weird.

| 1142 我不知道 希望是大事 I don't know, something dramatic I hope.

| 969 和你一起 With you.

| 594 这是个开始 This is a start,

| 661 我敢肯定他 是的 I bet he... yeah,

| 73 事实上 我到现在也没见到 In fact I still haven't.

| 948 但我们都还有提升的空间 But we all have room to improve.

| 1060 我喜欢你这身打扮 I like the look.

| 263 所以 你像开始研究人工智能 但你并不想告诉这个团队是吗 So, you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team.

| 287 失败了 所以我并不确定是什么启动你的 unsuccessful so I'm not certain what triggered you.

| 27 我们所有的努力 Everything we've accomplished.

| 1059 明晚见 See you tonight.

| 823 支援不了你 I got no back-up here.

| 10925 他们身陷麻烦之中 They're a mess.

| 688 否则我发给你的下一发导弹会来的更快 or the next missile I send you will come very much faster.

| 966 我希望你能一直这样关心我 Here I was hoping that was your job.

| 963 在梦里我不是一个复仇者 I wasn't an Avenger,

| 867 但愿吧 Lets hope.

| 1346 但是正如某人所说 "杀不死我的 But like the man said, "What doesn't kill me...

| 649 好的 女士 Yes, ma'am.

| 1315 贾维斯已经在不知不觉中从内部把他打败了 Jarvis has been beating him from inside without knowing it.

| 652 那是谁 Who's that?

| 174 她的能力是精神干扰和心灵感应 Her thing is neuro-electric interfacing, telekinesis

| 2 这不是演习 this is not a drill.

| 1347 只会让我更强" just makes me stronger."

| 1349 基因编码完成 97% Genetic coding is at 97%.

| 483 你想保护世界 但你又不想让他有所改变 You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change.

| 622 它只是躺在石堆里 it just sits there in the rubble,

| 141 太好了 头儿 Very good, sir.

| 113 你得比这个速度更快 You'll have to be faster than...

| 604 别着急 You need patience.

| 751 这绝不是我的风格 This was never my life.

| 488 那就是复仇者们在这世上消失 The Avengers extinction.

| 386 但永远不要说从不 But never say never.

| 461 谁派你来的 Who sent you?

| 268 听起来像是冷冰冰的世界 托尼 Sounds like a cold world, Tony.

| 749 这是让你放松下来的笑话吗 It's what comfortable?

| 245 别恨我 我帮忙设计的维罗妮卡 Don't hate, I helped design Veronica.

| 470 给我们的时代带来和平 Peace in our time.

| 20 谁让你们进攻的 Who gave the order to attack?

| 701 每个人都有恐惧的东西 Everybody is afraid of something.

| 1435 这将是一场血战 It's gonna be blood on the floor.

| 1042 我看到他们都死了 尼克 我感受到了 整个世界都毁灭了 I saw them all dead Nick, I felt it, the whole world too.

| 10772 小心点 我觉得一个人可能牵制不住她 Take special care, I doubt a human can keep her at bay.

| 183 但他们在 But they are.

| 1216 我发现一个私人飞机起飞了 穿越了小镇 I got a private jet taking off across town.

| 1133 如果奥创正在建造躯体 If Ultron is really building a body.

| 874 我记得你们所有人的名字 I know all your names.

| 243 这可能就是我们要找的 布鲁斯 This could be it Bruce,

| 961 但是当你醒来的时候 but when you wake...

| 1427 但是我们真得出发了 but we need to go.

| 1075 是的 但是他现在毫无头绪 Yes he is, but he's not making any head way.

| 774 一切都进行的很顺利 This is going very well.

| 请叫我老古董 -好吧

| 381 那么你认为我应该怎样 我应该 So what do you think? Should I...

| 781 你们会毁了她们的 You'll break them.

| 1081 那么他们说了什么 So what they say?

| 815 那你也别想走了 And you're not going anywhere.

| 162 哦 事实上他才是老大 我只是个 Oh actually he's the boss. I just...

| 619 我抓住了她 I grab her,

| 1356 哦 那页已经翻过去了 Oh, we're way past that.

| 九头蛇的头号暴徒 Hydra's number one thug.

| 899 看吧 你不用担心 See, you worried for nothing.

| 560 我想在他准备好之前先找到他 and I'd like to find him before he's ready for us.

| 663 不 并不是多有东西 Not everything.

| 1401 你是我们这边的吗 On our side.

| 833 快走开 班纳 Dick move, Banner.

| 1395 她的认可让我很受用 Her seal of approval means jack to me.

| 1268 你能把这玩意停住吗 Can you stop this thing?

| 771 那个女孩想要扰乱我的心神 The girl tried to warp my brain.

| 1174 多快 How soon?

| 553 但是那个东西 他是 but that up there, that's...

| 31 太草率了 It's too soon.

| 1328 你不得不承认 You gotta own it.

| 249 这个假设未免太大了 That's a man-sized if.

| 1431 准备好行囊 Get what you need.

| 416 闻到无声的鄙视了吗 Smell the silent judgment?

| 1088 我还是得花不少的钱去知道那是谁 Still I'd pay folding money to know who it is.

| 1301 你好 班纳博士 Hello, Dr. Banner.

| 110 有多少人 How many are there?

| 397 你小子快了 up close,

| 285 斯塔克先生首创设计的地球和平的守护者 The global peace keeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark.

| 814 振金已经转移了 The Vibranium is getting away.

| 1173 信息干扰 informational noise,

| 41 请赶快撤离 Please back away.

| 1345 为此我会给你个满分 I give you full marks for that.

| 342 还是简最好 But Jane's better.

| 841 对不起 I'm sorry.

| 460 但在现实世界我们都在面对肮脏的选择 But down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices.

| 1295 关于这个 Yeah about that...

| 你得相信我 - 有点不相信 - You have to trust me. - Kinda don't.

| 219 索尔会在那儿吗 Will Thor be there?

| 1094 那天回来时到处都有我的眼线 Back in the day I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else.

| 1341 这个世界将会仰望天空然后看到希望 The world would have looked to the sky and seen hope...

| 666 哦 这些都是大坏蛋 Oh, these people are all horrible.

| 找到娜塔莎了吗 - 还没有她的消息 - Find anything on Nat? - I haven't heard,

| 913 他们 呃 还是孩子 these... uh kids,

| 428 队长加油 Come on Cap.

| 156 你会留下 对吗 You're staying right?

| 87 好吧 贾维斯 Okay, Jarvis.

| 796 想象一下 Imagine it.

| 1305 所以贾维斯转入地下 So Jarvis went underground.

| 600 斯塔克已经让他们有点内讧了 Stark's already got them turning on each other,

| 1096 我们现在都重回正题 Here we all are back on earth,

| 680 我以为你父亲说他把所有东西都带走了 I thought your father said he got the last of it?

| 311 为什么我要让你联系他 Why do you call him sir?

| 1169 我能读懂他 I can read him.

| 375 但是他不一样 and here comes this guy,

| 962 你梦见了什么 What did you dream?

| 10019 手滑而已 Just slipped out.

| 478 来吧 即使是不安全 Come on. Isn't safe.

| 1045 我没能尽力 I didn't do all I could.

| 10812 我想完成这个任务 I want to finish the plan.

| 283 你好 我是贾维斯 Hello, I am Jarvis.

| 119 你本来可以救我们的 You... could've... saved... us.

| 873 先生们 这是劳拉 Gentlemen this is Laura.

| 304 给我们的时代带来和平 Peace in our time.

| 658 这是个障眼法 This is a smoke screen.

| 10123 只是没有想到会变身 Just wasn't expecting the code green.

| 421 那会怎样 如果我举起来了 就能统治阿斯加德吗 so what, if I lift it I then rule Asgard?

| 503 但那是整栋楼里就没人 There wasn't anyone else in the building.

| 878 这些是小一点的特工 These are smaller agents.

| 986 他们让我绝育 They sterilize me.

| 1180 这将是个更好的世界 It will be better.

| 1064 这很危险 It's dangerous.

| 492 奥创把它们清除了 并把网络当成逃走的通道 Ultron cleared out, used the Internet as an escape path.

| 788 是你吗 Is it him?

| 608 我把它拿出来 看着它 I take it out and look at it,

| 1108 变得更强 To become better,

| 44 我们来这是为了帮忙的 We're here to help.

| 767 待着吧 孩子 Stay down, kid.

| 643 大部分情况都是那里的人处于神游状态 回忆着自己以前的记忆 mostly guys left in a fugue state, going on about old memories,

| 1383 为什么你的声音听起来像贾维斯 Why does your vision sound like Jarvis?

| 554 他可能是谁也打不过 that's the end game.

| 1019 克林特说你不会介意 Clint said you won't mind,

| 955 世人都看见了浩克了 The world just saw the Hulk.

| 这是什么地方 - 安全屋 - What is this place? - A safe house.

| 你在设法做什么 - 好好交谈 - what are you trying to... - Having a nice talk.

| 447 你们又怎么配得上 How could you be worthy?

| 811 我想 I want...

| 1426 所以你们也许没理由信任我 So there maybe no way to make you trust me,

| 917 得有人教导他们行为举止 Someone is gonna have to teach them some manners.

| 1147 我保证 I promise.

| 705 来催眠猎物 to hypnotize their prey.

| 202 纳米分子瞬间就结合完毕了 The nano molecular functionality is instantaneous.

| 1342 看到恩惠 seen mercy.

| 1391 我就是我 I am...

| 81 看在上帝的份上 注意点你的言辞 And for gosh sake watch your language.

| 10776 一点也不喜欢 not a fan.

| 1238 我是不是总得在你身后处理烂摊子 兄弟 Do I always have to pick up after you boys?

| 1310 是我想帮"你"把贾维斯传到那个身体里 I want to help you put Jarvis into this thing.

| 989 一件比使命更为重要的事情 The one thing that might matter more than a mission.

| 414 你也许在之前看过我这样 You might have seen this before.

| 196 是一个保护壳 用来保护里面的东西 a protective housing for something inside.

| 315 请停下来 Please...

| 549 一帮外星人通过宇宙的虫洞来到地球攻击我们 A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space.

| 1090 去寻我们不知道的 Find our unknown.

| 817 你是会追过来 但是你得先抓住班纳博士 You'll catch up, but first you might need to catch Dr. Banner.

| 6 注意言辞 Language.

| 388 什么 什么挺好 What? What is?

| 1340 我注定会很出色 I was meant to be beautiful.

| 她没控制你的心神吗 - 我知道你很生气

| 140 巴顿需要充分的治疗 Barton is gonna need the full treatment.

| 898 我们可以回家了 We can go home.

| 1270 休息一下就好了 I just need to take a minute.

| 794 战争结束了 史蒂夫 The war is over, Steve.

| 624 在炸弹壳上 and on the side of the shell,

| 204 她正在培育组织 She's creating tissue.

| 678 瓦坎达 Wakanda.

| 1127 人类一贯这样 Typical of humans.

| 91 该去找班纳了 摇篮曲时间到 Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby.

| 957 你知道我必须离开了 You know I have to leave.

| 404 但这是一个小把戏 不是 But it's a trick. - No, no,

| 1192 我们必须进化 弱者在这里 We have to evolve, there's no room for...

| 474 斯塔克 我们需要帮助 Stark! We are here to help.

| 1368 很抱歉 这很 I'm sorry, that was...

| 932 我需要 I need...

| 567 通过地理传达信仰 the geometry of belief.

| 211 就连你的女朋友也不会发现有什么不同 Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.

| 10766 动起来 动起来 动起来 Move, move, move.

| 377 来避免战争 因为他知道他永远都不会输 avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win.

| 371 他有一个暴脾气 He has a temper.

| 480 这真是太戏剧性了 That was dramatic.

| 158 是啊 有谁不喜欢狂欢呢 对吧队长 Yeah, who doesn't love revels. Captain?

| 1410 他把娜塔莎也抓到那里了 He's got Nat there too.

| 10179 简直是疯了 It's nuts.

| 10919 你知道我完全支持你加入复仇者联盟 You know I totally support your avenging,

| 1181 当所有的人都死了吗? When everyone is dead?

| 1102 这一切都会躺在坟墓里 All this laid in a grave.

| 1404 我和生命是一边的 I'm on the side of life.

| 1139 我会在塔上放下绿巨人 介意我借用希尔小姐吗 I'll drop Banner off at the tower, mind if I borrow Miss Hill?

| 72 在我们遇到的所有新的敌人中,他们这样的我还是第一次见 All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this.

| 1149 眼前的水 The water of sight.

| 354 还是家中温暖 你知道的 Well home is home, you know.

| 337 诺贝尔奖 Nobel Prize?

| 你们不知道你们在做什么 - 那你知道吗 - You don't know what you're doing. - And you do?

| 835 快睡觉 快睡觉 快睡觉 Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep.

| 487 只有一条路通向和平 Only one path to peace.

| 1193 无处容身 the weak.

| 432 所有人都会顺从这个不将成为王的男人 All deference to the man who wouldn't be king.

| 1119 有人一直在与赵海伦联系吗 Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?

| 344 早知道是场恶战 If I had known it was gonna be a fire fight,

| 10111 我们又多了一个变种人 We have a second enhanced.

| 902 这可行不通 Yeah, that's not gonna sell.

| 312 我认为你的意图是怀有敌意的 I believe your intentions to be hostile.

| 1319 我们不得不这么做 We have to.

| 66 你知道哪个能量盾的动力源在哪吗 You see a power source for that shield?

| 1131 好吧 细心侦察 我去侵入联结。 Alright strictly recon, I'll hit the Nexus.

| 473 不要变绿 我不会 Don't turn green. I won't.

| 702 墨鱼 Cuttlefish.

| 121 你就这样让他们把它带走吗 You're just gonna let them take it?!

| 605 我们要看到更大的目标 Need to see the big picture.

| 830 你是布鲁斯·班纳 you're Bruce Banner.

| 1367 来吧 激怒我 Go ahead, piss me off.

| 1218 那可能就是他了 That could be him.

| 816 当然 我已经过去了 Of course not, I'm already there.

| 1182 当然不 That does not...

| 648 不行 我回答你 Negative, I answer to you...

| 244 这会成为制造奥创的关键 this could be the key to creating Ultron.

| 777 是啊 你快跑吧 Yeah, you'd better run.

| 738 只是我不明白 It's just I don't understand,

| 93 嘿 贾维斯 快给我用红外线扫描这个房间 Hey J, give me an IR scan of the room real quick.

| 755 美国队长 Captain America.

| 789 是奥丁的长子吗 Is that the first son of Odin?

| 1050 我带着大家走到末路 The end of the path I started us on.

| 115 嗯 我这有 Yeah, I got...

| 635 但是你 but you...

| 693 斯特拉克男爵的得意门生 Strucker's prized pupils.

| 727 托尼·斯塔克曾经对我 Tony Stark used to say that

| 305 给我们的时代带来和平 Peace in our time.

| 931 再过几个月 你和我就要有第三个孩子了 In a few months time, you and me are gonna be outnumbered.

| 1226 别跟着我 Leave me alone!

| 1104 离开智慧白金也是渣渣 Out wit the platinum bastard.

| 879 我的天啊 Oh my goodness.

| 1013 我们可以永远止战 各回各家 we can end the fight, so we get to go home?

| 609 每天都看着它 every day.

| 1079 是奥斯陆网路上的互联网联结器 It's the world Internet hub in Oslo.

| 96 和气流 and an air current.

| 975 在这世上有哪个地方我不是个威胁 Where in the world am I not a threat?

| 916 娜塔莎受的伤很深 Nat took a serious hit.

| 64 我在关闭它 I'm closing in.

| 571 哦我相信你一定能看透他们 Oh I'm sure they do.

| 797 我还是能拯救你 I can still save you.

| 855 现在我得保持隐身模式 不能与你们联系了 Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here.

| 826 好了 各位 退下吧 Alright everybody, stand down.

| 383 追求他 是吗 Run with it, right?

| 786 你从未失手 You never fail.

| 40 这个地方不安全 请赶快撤离 This quadrant is unsafe, please back away.

| 382 摆脱他还是追求他 fight this or run with it?

| 11306 被打散了 失忆了 但没有丢失计算机协议 Scattered, dumped his memory, but not his protocols.

| 655 一个信息 A message.

| 1439 确实如此 他最对你怨恨最深 That's true, he hates you the most.

| 11316 这是一个我们创造奥创完全体的机会 This is the opportunity we can create Ultron's perfect self

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